Chapter 14: 57th Expedition

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You and Levi round back to your assigned position in the formation once you reach the gate and Erwin takes over from there. You saw him give you and Levi an approving look, which you assumed meant that the plan is more leveled toward success.

The gate rises and you know your arms instinctively tighten around Levi because he puts his hand on yours for a moment before setting off through the gate. You're somewhat nervous, to keep it vague. You've never rode with anyone else on horseback and this whole plan could result to shit any moment, but you have faith in both Erwin and Levi that they can pull it off.

"Long-range formation! Let's go!" Erwin commands loudly.

The Scouts scatter across the land and Squad Levi falls back to be in the safest position in the centre and on standby. It's clear that the formation is precise when almost immediately, you spot a red flare in the east. You can't see any other soldiers at this point, but Levi sends up a red signal as well then Erwin shoots a green one farther west.

The soldiers aren't to engage, but when you see a black flare, you know it's inevitable. Another black flare is up, then a cloud of yellow to signify the Right Wing Spotters have suffered too many casualties to continue on.

"Something's not right," you hear Petra say from your left. "I think the formation is off."


"They're already noticing," you whisper in Levi's ear. "What do we do?"

"Ignore them," he mumbles back. "Smoke signals--green. Oluo, pass it on!"

"With pleasure, Sir!" Oluo replies, sending up the flare.

Another soldier approaches from the right and rides next to you and Levi.

"Reporting, Sir! The early warning network is compromised! One of you will need to rely the message down the line!" he states.

Levi looks over his left shoulder. "You heard the man, Petra. Go on."

"Sir!" Petra replies and takes off to the left side to keep the message going.

"Black smoke!? An abnormal!" Eren shouts, spotting the mist first.

"Eren, fire the signal," Levi commands before lowering his voice. "This is a disgrace. Lot of good the formation does if the bastards can bore into it that deeply."

"We're still safe where we are. We have to keep moving at the same pace to get to the forest at the precise moment, if my calculations are correct," you whisper.

"Erwin should be getting there any minute to secure the equipment," he utters.

You remain silent as the forest comes into view just in time to see Erwin leading his squad inside. Keeping a steady pace, you make it to the treeline in under three minutes and race through the trees in time to see the rookies show up and taking orders. Petra meets up with the six of you and you know this will be the start of their cluelessness.

"Captain!" Eren yells from directly behind you.

"What?" Levi says.

"Come on, Sir, we're in a forest! We won't see a titan until it's right on top of us! The center rank's totally cut off, something's coming up on the right, isn't it? So what are we supposed to do? Avoid titans or defend the wagons?"

"Quit whining and move on from the obvious already. Neither of those are an option anymore," Levi answers steadily.

"What are you talking about?" Eren questions.

"Haven't you noticed what's around you? Take a look at these big ass trees--perfect environment for 3D Maneuver Gear, wouldn't you say? Take my advice, Eren. Calm down and use your head. The best survival tool is your brain," Levi instructs.

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