Chapter 6: Reinforcements

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Eren Jaeger's transformation to a titan goes wrong from the start. The Special Operations Squad watches the horror and chaos as Eren attacks Mikasa and you're already prepared to step in, but not without the order of Levi who claims they're not needed yet.

"I just realized something," Eld says. "If all the recruits die, we won't have any new Scouts."

"But if we die, the best will be gone and humanity will be doomed," Oluo states the obvious.

"It's a morbid risk we must take," Levi says, "but if any of you feel the need to go out there and fight now, I won't stop you."

There's a silence after Levi's signature giving of options. You don't waver in your position because your decisions have already been made. You're accustomed to following orders more than that, and you trust Levi more than anyone.

The other squad members stay in their positions as the destruction ensues. You see a red flare go up not even twenty minutes in, but Levi insists on waiting longer because it doesn't seem Eren's friends are willing to give up on him anytime soon.

Titans swarm the edge of the walls where The Garrison is located and you watch many soldiers die at the hands of their enemies. It takes longer than expected for Eren to get his shit together and pick up the boulder meant to plug the breach.

The ground shakes beneath his feet and the four of you rise to your positions, ready to engage in combat. You take out your swords with the rest of your forces and wait on Levi's command.

"Petra and Gunther, help the cadets who are having trouble and the injured soldiers on the ground. Eld and Oluo, go to the wall where The Garrison is located and start taking out the titans getting too close for comfort. (Y/N), you're with me. We're ensuring Eren's safety until he can complete the mission," Levi commands.

The squad takes off in their assigned direction as you follow Levi down into the tarnished district. You zip through the air and run across buildings until a titan appears in front of both of you--approximately twelve meters.

Without speaking a word, you and Levi soar in different directions before flinging yourselves around and simultaneously slicing the nape of the titan's neck. It drops to the ground in a pathetic heap and the two of you head closer to Eren's locations.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Levi mutters.

You glance in the direction his gaze is set on and see three soldiers causing a diversion on the ground to distract the titans from their target.

"Being heros," you reply.

Levi nods and you slay a few more titans together before hearing a crashing noise that echoes across the terrain. You land with Levi on a rooftop for him to wipe whatever grime off his blades. A yellow flare is sent up and you smile at the success of the mission and Eren's ability to complete the task forced upon him.

"Shit, Levi," you say quickly.

Levi looks up from his polishing and sees two titans heading for Eren out of his titan form and his two friends. They've left themselves completely defenseless.

"Let's go," Levi says.

You take off in that direction with a certain swiftness and in sync with your captain. He goes left while you go right, and at just the perfect moment, you double around and slash your blades across your own titan's neck then his. You stand on the one with greasy black hair and Levi lands next to you as it crashes to the ground. You both slowly turn around to see the trio with awestruck expressions and no idea for the hell coming their way.


Two days after taking back what is rightfully the human's, there's finally word on Eren's whereabouts.

"The Military Police have him in custody," Erwin informs.

You're standing with Levi, Hanji and Squad Leader Mike Zacharias in Erwin's office as he reveals what's known about Eren Jaeger and the course of action needing to be taken.

"Those unicorn fucks are just going to kill him," Levi says.

"Exactly," Erwin replies. "That's why we're going to talk with him and see if he's worthy of being able to be on our side. We can't let him be killed easily, but for all we know, he's insane."

"When is this happening?" Mike questions.

"Levi and I are going to talk to him today. He's having a trial tomorrow where everyone besides us will want him dead, probably. We'll need to do proper convincing that he isn't dangerous and is valuable, if we decide so," Erwin answers.

"Which one of us is going to beat him up?" you ask, motioning the space between you and Levi.

"No offense, (Y/N), but Levi is seen as the strongest soldier humanity has, so he would be the smarter choice," Erwin decides.

"It's okay, I completely agree," you reply.

"I'll be able to run tests on Eren whether he's valuable to the Corps as a fighter or not. We can learn so much!" Hanji blurts out.

"Only if he agrees, Hanji. He's still just a kid," you remind her firmly.

Hanji sulks and crosses her arms in defeat.

"Anyway, I finally got my request to speak with Eren confirmed since he woke up from his coma earlier today, so we must go now," Erwin states, standing from his chair and all four of us shuffle out of his office.

Hanji and Mike go back to their duties while you walk out of the building beside your commander and captain. You realize you won't see Levi for the rest of the day and not again until tomorrow afternoon. It will be the longest you've been apart in years.

You approach the carriage that will take them to the Inner Wall and Erwin steps inside as Levi turns to you.

"Rumor has it that this Eren kid has always wanted to be in the Survey Corps and is a big fan of yours," you say.


"So don't be a huge dick to him," you reply firmly. "He's only fifteen and is probably scared to be in those cells without knowing what's going on."

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N)," Levi says, getting halfway into the carriage. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you," you respond, waving the carriage off and watching it get smaller in the distance.

"(Y/N)!" you hear you name bring called.


You turn and see Petra gesturing you into the entrance of the dining hall. You sigh and walk over to the building, into the room, get your dinner and sit at a table with the other members of your squad.

"Where did Corporal and Commander go?" Oluo asks.

"I believe it's confidential, sorry," you apologize.

"Then why do you get to know about it?" Petra questions.

You think for a moment. "I'm Captain's second-in-command, therefore I must be informed of his location if anything were to happen to the team."

"Or you're screwing each other," Oluo mumbles.

You grab a spoonful of mashed potatoes and fling it on his face in retaliation. You were going to ignore him, but it seems the others might be agreeing.

"We're not screwing each other, we have never even kissed, and if I have to repeat myself, I will give all of you black eyes. Captain and I are associates and comrades. I help him with what he needs because he's my superior. That is all," you dismiss.

To them, a comrade is all you are to Levi and you're not going to reveal the true nature of your relationship although it's purely friendly because it's none of their business. There's also the fact that you've felt off around Levi lately, even now, you're once again missing him being by your side.

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