Chapter 1: Exception

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The nature of yours and Levi's relationship to the regular eye is of two soldiers, one a brooding superior and the other an enigmatic subordinate ready to help her captain with whatever necessary. The two of you are always together and there's only one person who knows the whole story and real reason of why--Erwin Smith, of course.

On this day, you're walking from your barracks early in the morning to greet Levi at his office before breakfast--a daily routine. You knock on the wooden door before simply entering without consent.

"Morning," you say, leaving the door open behind you as you approach his desk.

"Why can't you wait for me to let you in? I'm still your superior," Levi grumbles without looking up and scribbling down the last line of his paperwork.

"Special perks of being the one to hold your leash. Now, let's get to breakfast," you reply with a grin.

"Fine," he says, standing up with his green cloak floating behind him.

You walk together out of his office and wait for him to lock the door before joining your side and heading to the dining hall together. Technically, you should be walking behind him unless he's directing you, but you're an exception.

"What's on the schedule today, Cap?" you ask.

Levi rolls his eyes. "We're going on a mission. Nothing special, just killing some titans that keep coming back to the wall."

"Sounds great," you beam. "When do we leave?"

"Couple of hours. It's getting close to recruiting day, too."

"At least we can try to get new members in the regiment. Our numbers have been dwindling faster recently," you reply seriously. You're usually decently bubbly and polite, but when it comes to work, you're as solemn as Levi.

"If they're not another bunch of chickens, that is. I don't think I could stand what happened on your graduation day to happen again," Levi mutters.

When you graduated, you were the only person who joined the Survey Corps as the rest scurried for the Military Police or Stationary Guard. You really didn't have a choice since Levi was training you, but you wanted to join nonetheless. You were a stone-faced, five-foot-two ball of resigned professionalism and skill that day.

"Doubtful. My fellow cadets were most-likely intimidated by my abilities and didn't think they could handle the immense expectations of the Survey Corps," you respond truthfully.

"You wouldn't have had those 'abilities' if it weren't for my exceptional training methods," Levi boasts--an uncommon occurrence, even in your presence.

"Yeah, getting my ass beat for the first year was so fun," you mock.

"It was for me."

"Remember when I pinned you a month before graduation and you tried to say you let me win as a gift?" you chuckle.

"I did," he defends.

"And yet you still tried to flip me over and pin me. Liar."

"Moron," Levi grumbles, but you know he wants to smile. "It just showed how well of a teacher I was. You couldn't even balance on the Vertical Maneuvering Equipment and almost failed the aptitude evaluation."

"We don't speak of that!" you hiss. "Fine, you taught me everything I know, but everyone knows the student has become the teacher."

"You say that because..."

"I'm better at using the 3D Maneuver Gear," you claim in an obvious tone of voice.

"Is that a challenge?" Levi inquires darkly.

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