Chapter 24: Evaluation

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The weeks pass by less ruffled than you thought they would. Levi continued his incessantly insistent behavior, causing you to cave and let him do only a portion of the work to pass the time. Erwin hasn't assigned any missions or expeditions. It's not an unusual occurrence to go for weeks without work because of the needed time to plan future travels as well.

Besides the nauseating paperwork, Levi has been allowed to attend meetings again with top officials as his recovery is coming to a close. He's been spending most of the past five days with Hanji to make sure his ankle is in working order, and after dinner, you're evaluating him with the gear.

You hope for his sake that he passes your expectations because there is so way in hell you will let him go on the next expedition if he's not at his complete best. The regiment is set to depart tomorrow and Erwin has entrusted this entire evaluation to you because he knows you cannot be swayed by Levi's character and he does not intimidate you.

Leaving Levi's office after locking the door, you walk through the hallways with your head held high. Anticipation filters through the walls as everyone is eager to know whether Captain Levi will return to duty since he's obviously needed in the expedition.

You enter Hanji's office/laboratory/infirmary to start the assessment with fleeting looks from fellow soldiers on your way. Levi is sitting on the couch with Hanji standing next to him.

"What's your opinion, Hanji?" you question in a serious tone.

"I don't have the full results, but he's still experiencing some soreness in his achilles. It's not too much to worry about and I can honestly say that I think he's good to go," she replies.

You look down, giving Levi your full attention. He's wearing his uniform once more, but without the jacket and 3DMG. You can't place his expression, but one can only guess how much he wants to be cleared.

"Levi, walk to the other side of the room and back," you direct with your arms crossed.

"That's it?" he asks suspiciously.

"Yeah." You shrug.

Levi stands and you step back to watch every ounce of movement he performs as he begins carefully striding across the room. The whole objective is to test his speed, wobbles, limping, change in facials or stiffness. You've been planning tactical tests for nearly a week on how to get him if he's in any way lying or faking that he's healed.

You nod when he manages to stroll back to his spot next to you without any indication of his injury. You can detect the pleased look in his eyes, but you're far from being done with him.

"Thanks, Hanji," you say before heading toward the door. "Follow me."

Levi silently does as told and you lead him through the HQ corridors with passing comrades showing proper respect to both of you. The sunlight hits your skin when you exit the building and you only continue the tests when making it to the deserted training grounds, which you specifically requested so neither of you could get distracted.

"Catch this," you command out of nowhere.

With speed you unknowingly possessed, you take your keys from your pocket and toss them to Levi's left, far enough that, if his reflexes are up to standard, he will put all his weight onto his left leg to reach out and snatch the keys. You swiftly examine Levi do so with precision, so much so that there's only a millisecond of hesitation and gritting of teeth before he has them in his grasp.

"Did that hurt your foot? It looked like it did," you ponder.

"It's sore, (Y/N). It doesn't hurt enough for me not to be able to do my job correctly," he retorts, tossing you back the keys.

You put them in your pocket and make your way to the 3D Maneuver Gear that is laying on the grass by the familiar deep tresses of woods. You pick it up with the straps and walk over to outstretch it to Levi.

"Put this on. We're doing basic training skills for the final level of your evaluation," you say, walking closer to help him fasten on the equipment.

"This is pointless. I'm perfectly capable of going outside of the walls without these silly tests," Levi grumbles.

You tighten a leather strap over his shoulder. "You may think so, but I won't risk your safety or impaired judgement over your ego or the other soldiers."

Levi doesn't say another word and you step away after making sure he's ready.

"Now, you'll go through the very basic level of training. Simply go and destroy the cardboard titan with your unnecessary movements and don't forget to use the trees at your disposal," you say.

"Whatever," he mutters.

You watch Levi closely as he takes off into the trees. You're calculating every angle, and since you know his style better than anyone, you will know if he changes any of his maneuvers to make up for his ankle. You firmly concentrate as Levi whips around to slash the cutout and head back to where you're waiting.

You have come to a decision once Levi lands next to you. You smirk when seeing in his eyes that he's actually a bit anxious to know if you're going to allow him to be cleared of this slice of hell he's been going through for five weeks now.

"I've decided that..." You let the anticipation hang in the air. "'re all better, but if you're somehow playing this off really well, I'll throw you down a flight of stairs."

Levi can't stop the corners of his lips from twitching upwards. He's been recovering for a week with Hanji and constantly having you sending him those dirty, insinuating looks. He can't be mad at you for the extensive tests because he knows how concerned you are for him and he appreciates it more than he will let you know. Levi's overall just glad he can start working again with you being the annoying one.

"I told you before that I was at my best," Levi points out.

A little bubble of excitement for Levi's good health bursts inside of you and you clap your hangs together with a huge smile.

"I know, but you're stubborn and would fake your wellness to go on the expedition," you respond.

Levi frowns and shakes his head because you're completely right. You're always the one to know what he's thinking and where his head is going. That's why he loves you and did everything in his power to get his ankle healed. Levi made a promise to himself to protect you and not even a broken bone will get in his way.

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