Chaptter Ellivn

538 53 35

Glodohart wok upp in teh Drak Furrest. "OMG why am i inn her?!!?2!!1?!1!1!1!!1!1" he yeled.

Tehn Blodclaw cam upp too himm and sad "wellcum, Gldhart, tihs iss were we wil trainn"

"But i thouht yoo were frim StraCaln?1?1?1??1?1?1" glodhrt gasp.

"Nah, StraCaln iz to OP"

"Ohh, oky tehn," Goldhrat sad.

"Firs lets learn ho too atack an opnent." Bloodclwa sid. "Mak sure u no how tu clwa theri stomac"

"But taht's to essy!" Glogart portested. "i want too larn hwo 2 do somting dificult!"

Blodcawl sihged. "Fin, ill tech u how too bager."

"Ooh, yes! Plz sho meh hwo 2 badger1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!111111!" Glodhrt yell.

"Wel, u do somting lik... TIHS!" Blodclaw lept at Glodhrat!!!1!1!1!!1!1!11!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!

OMG GIYS CLIFHANNGER1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1! Hop u guys like it n plz dont hat!!!!! If u hat, teh FBI wil punnish u1111111!

Written by le Amazing Annco who just about died trying to find new ways to misspell Glodhart's name.

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