Gludhetr padde intu teh camp, hiz eys brite wth hapines. Ametstglimr was wating four him with a biig smiel.
"Gus waht?" seh assked, tiping herr had too teh side.
"Whut?" asskd Gloodhrt.
Ametstglammour perssed herr noss in to his chek. "Imm guna have moar off ur cits!"
"Yay!" Glodhart meeowed. Theeir fist liter had dyed butt there wood bee moar kits soon to cum. "Wen wil tey be bourn?"
Moonmun paded ovr too them. "In one moar moon," she meow.
Glodhaart smil. "I cannt wat."
One mon latter, Ameytstglammmmmmer had her kitts. "I naame tem Sliverkit, Bwronzekit, adn Glodkit, lik their father."
Munmoon look up from de kits. "Tey are ded," she anounce.
"Nooooooookkppkkoooloo," mewo Glodhart. "My cits r ded!"
Ameygtglimmr shrugg. "Ohh welll. MooonCan is bigg enouff alredy," she explane.
Glodhart noded aand went oout of te den.
i haave twree voats in te United States. Mi momy sayes shee vote and uu shood too. and two te hatrs, you gett bommed by eff bee eye becase u r un patrottic. i no likk wen u r menys. i am fbi agen and yoo willl get shooted.
By Rio ⛈⛈
Warriors: Glodhart's Prophecy
FanfictionCloudtailGrandmas brings you the next infamous Warriors fanfic, starring Glodhart from the Ballad of the MoonClan Roleplay as the main character. Although the characters in this book are the same ones as that one, the storylines do not correspond at...