Caphtr Neenten

353 27 30

atfr tha fite wit bopaw, glodhart locked att tha bloddy booty off hsi oldd apentic. he turnd 2 lok at da preti sha-cet n sai d "luv meh now"

"nu i dont liek jon leegeend""" de gurlie rerplyed 

glodhart gott mda agin!!!1!!!1!!!!!11!!

"NTO DE SNGO U STUIPDhED!!!1!!1!!!1! U A WINDOW NWO CUZ I KILED UR HUBBIE SOO MERRY MEH NWO!!!1!!11!!!!!!!1!!!" he screchted 

tha sher-cert, Dazlesprit fund hiss yowlll vary atactive "oak"" she siad

so der 2 of dem got marid nd wre livin happply eer atfer btu then bobbpow caem bcak 2 liffe!!!!!111!!!11!!!1! hsi eys wre red cuzz da dank forrest hda rersererctered hmi.

i wil gett revernge!!!!!!!1111!1!!!!1111! hee yelld 

the caln gaspped ni shok!!!1!!!1! glodhert prapard 2 fite agin..........

DER DER DERRRRRRRR!!!!1!!!!!!11111!!!111!!!11!!11!!!1! Cliiiff hagner!!!1!!!11! Rermermber iff u hat on dis booook bobbbbpow wil aeted u in ur slep

[Yo, Feather comin' in again with another update. Once again, I apologize that this is so short. At least you got two days in a row of Glodhart's Prophecy! Honestly, my favorite part of writing this are all the ones I get to put in the exclamation points. ~ Feather]

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