Caputhur epoilouge

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Glodhart loked at all da bodyies. He gassped, seaing da bodyies off da leada & daputy.

"Glodhart! We ned u too led us!" som clanmutes yowled.

Glodhart stapped forword. I, Glodhart, off Moonclan wil bee da neow leda off Moonclan. I hav eaned meh naame, Glodstar, leada off Sunclan. Da caln chered hapily.

"Timer too tak bac hour teratory!" Glodstar screched.

Da caln atacked aagain. Blod sperd evawhere. Glodhart ran up 2 da Suncaln leada.

"Tis ma teratory! Ma!1!1!1!1!111!11!1!11" Glodstar scramed at da tops off his lunge. He tok down leada and mad all caln fear him.

"Form noew on, Glodstar's Commands R da ruless 2 wining eva fihgt!" Glodstar chered.

"Glodstar!!!!1!1111!11!! Glodstar!!!1!1!1!!1!!1111! Glodstar!!!!1!!!1!1!1!111!1!1!1!1!" da caln chered 1 mor timme.

"Glodstar furfilled his propcey. He become Nown as grate leada off Moonclan. Thay wer luky 2 hav him. We all hop dhat 1 day he wil halp us lik he halp othars."

Aunther Nutes: Glodstar iss beast leada off da caln. Did u enioy bok? Sur u did. i luve u all exacpt haaterz. Haaterz r meen. Donut bee meen. Sorra dhis is end. byai!

I'm disappointed to see this book go :(. The bad grammar was a huge portion of this book XD. Well, I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. New books will be out as soon as we finish old ones <3 Thanks for sticking with us.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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