Cahptre Sxiteen

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Glodhart wkoe up, he gto up adn wnet to the apprenitce den to look otu fro his appretnice Bobpaw. Bulepwa caem out adn wanted to follow Glodhart and Bopbwa into the forest.

Goldhart nodded, he ddin't mnid taht Bluepwa wsa goign to tga alogn. The trhee of thme went into teh forets. Blupeaws' metnor was feelign a little bit ill so she decided thta it was bets if seh stayed back adn took a break.

Today, the appretnices weer gonig to leran how to hunt.

Glodhatr watched as thye tredi to do the hnuter's crouch. He waelkd around and corretced tmhe when he saw ayn mistaek. He also gave tsip adn advcie aobut their tehcnique. Bluepaw kept complainnig about how she ca'nt gte it, btu Bopbaw wsa diong it perefctly. Bobpaw helpde Bulpeaw adn they were boht abel to hunt in no tiem.

The sun started to set adn teh three caugth a tno of prey fro the first teim. It wsa amazing. The clan leader sohuted in hpapiness seeign that they all had big peices of prey in thire jaws and decided on a feast. Goldhart flte amazing, he taugth both apprenticse about hunting adn they caguht enough prye for a faets. Glodhart flet satsified, he hsa dnoe well.  

auhor's nate: Do nut hatte on mu bok, i wrot so well, stap flamming my bok


I'm sorry for another short chapter XP, I'll do better next time hopefully.


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