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-Hayleighs POV-

"How did you like today?" Bryan asked me as we were walking back towards the entrance of the park again later that evening. "I absolutely loved it, it was such a surprise and probably one of the best birthdays ever, thanks for everything" I told him and a statisfied smile spread across his face. "I guess that we will have to leave you now though" he said to me as we walked through the exit doors of this magical place, entering the real world again,"it's still a long way home." "It is" I sighed. It had been such an amazing day with all these people around me, I loved them all and I didn't want to leave them yet. "We'll meet up again sooner or later" Judy said to me and she pulled me in for a hug. "Better be soon, you guys are the best" I smiled at all of them. 

We all hugged each other and said our goodbyes before we had to leave, each of us going their own, seperate way again. "So I guess our little surprise turned out pretty well huh?" Tyler grinned as he opened the door of the car for me. "Your surprise was one of the best things that ever happened to me, honestly, today was a lovely day" I said to him and his eyes started twinkling with joy, happiness and satisfaction. "That's great" he smiled at me. Josh and I climbed into the back of the car again while Jenna and Tyler went to sit in the front. "Music?" Jenna asked and I immediately handed her my phone. "Just play some calm songs, I'm tired as heck" I chuckled as I rested my head against the window, looking at the buildings that were now flashing by fast.

-Josh's POV-

After two hours of driving while listening to calm music Hayleigh moved over in her seat and rested her head on my shoulder, the rest of her body leaning against mine. She closed her beautiful eyes and her breathing quickly slowed down. Not even ten minutes later she was asleep next to me and Jenna had also decided to take a nap in the passenger seat. "So I guess it's just us now then" I chuckled at Tyler. "They are gorgeous, even when they are asleep" Tyler whispered as he looked at a quietly sleeping Jenna from the corner of his eyes. "They are indeed" I agreed with him as I played with Hayleighs hair, careful not to wake her.

We were now driving through a small, old village judging from all the potholes in the road. "Damn it" Tyler cursed under his breath as we bumped over the road and he shot a quick glance at Jenna to see if she had woken up. "We should write a song about them" Tyler suggested. "That would be great but uhmm...I am not really what you would call a lyrical genius" I snickered. "Let me think" Tyler muttered as he screwed up his face in concentration. He started humming softly and nodding his head on the rhythm of his own humming.

"You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time" he sang softly.

"But that's okay I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep...." he sang again.

"Fine" I finished his line with a grin.

"I'm driving here I sit, cursing my government for not using my taxes to fill holes with more........asfalt?" he stuttered. "Cement!" he then exclaimed. "But Tyler" I protested, "they don't fill holes with ceme-." "I know, I know but it's the only slightly suitable word that rhymes with government" he laughed. "I like it, love it actually" I grinned at him. "I'll write more lyrics to it soon" Tyler told me, "could you write the part we just made up down?" "Sure, where do you want me to write it?" I asked him. "Here" he said as he grabbed a little notebook from his pocket and handed it to me, "I carry it with me everywhere I go." I took the notebook from him and went to look for an empty page where I wrote the lyrics down. "Call it Tear in My Heart" Tyler called from the front seat. "Tear in My Heart? Isn't that like, something negative?" I asked confused. "No, no, because sometimes you've got to bleed to know that you're alive and have a soul but it takes someone to come around to show you how, write that down too" Tyler explained to me and I started writing down the lyrics we just made and the things that he had just said. "Finished" I said to him a little while later, carefully handing him his little notebook back.

Today had been a great day and I had gotten to know everyone a lot better, especially Hayleighs friends; Alexis and Bryan. Bryan actually seemed pretty cool and caring for Hayleigh now. I was going to give him a second chance. No matter how bad somebody messed up, everyone deserved a second chance, a way to erase their mistakes and make a new start, to prove that they were worth it. No, I still didn't totally trust Bryan but he did not seem to have any bad intentions and if I would keep a close eye on him I would be able to prevent anything bad from happening in time.
Also, now that he and Alexis were officialy a couple I didn't think he was still trying to steal Hayleigh from me or punish her for choosing me over him, right?

Many hours later, when we only had a few miles to go before we got back to the bus, Jenna woke up from her nap. "Goodmorning" she yawned as she stretched her arms and shifted her body into a different position. "Good evening" Tyler chuckled. "Oh, yeah right, I was just kidding" Jenna smiled as she looked out of the window. "Are we there yet?" she asked after a few minutes had passed. "Almost, only a few miles to go" Tyler told her. "Can you pass me a can of Redbull please, I would like to stay awake while I'm driving" Tyler asked me and I reached for the tray that he had shoved under his chair. "Here" I said as I handed him the can and opened one for myself too. "Gross" Jenna chuckled as she wrinkled her nose when the strong smell of the drink spread through the car. Tyler opened her window a little and she let out a small sigh. "Better" she smiled at him.

"Do you reckon we should wake her up?" Tyler asked, looking over at Hayleigh as he parked the car next to our bus. "Nah, she's been having a lot of trouble with sleeping lately, I think we should give her that rest now" I replied to him, "I'll carry her."
"How do you know she's been having trouble sleeping? I never even noticed that, I thought she had been doing much better lately" Tyler asked confused. "I sometimes hear her moving and shifting around late at night and last night she even came to me to lay in my bed because she wasn't able to fall asleep" I explained to him. "Oh" Tyler sighed sadly, "better give her that rest then indeed." I slowly moved my body away from her, making sure that she would not fall down and hit her head on the backseat. After that I got out of my car and walked over to the other side to open the door on her side. There I carefully picked up her small, sleeping body in my arms and carried her to the bus.

-Hayleighs POV-

"Hey" I whispered as I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see Josh's face. "Hey, you woke up" he smiled at me as he kept on carrying me. "I'll carry you to the bus" he said to me and I closed my eyes again, too tired to keep them open. "Pretty girl woke up and fell asleep again" I heard Josh say to Tyler. "Right there in your arms?" Tyler asked him surprised. "Yeah" Josh replied to him. "Sweet" I heard Tyler chuckle. A tiny smile appeared on my lips at these words but neither Josh nor Tyler seemed to notice. I felt how Josh layed me down in my bed and covered me up in blankets to keep me warm. "Goodnight Hayleigh, I hope you had a lovely birthday" he whispered before tenderly kissing me on my nose. "I did" I whispered back as I opened my eyes again to see him stumble backwards in shock. "Gosh, you are awake" he chuckled at me. "I indeed am" I smiled at him as I pushed myself up in bed and patted the empty space next to me on the bed. "Don't you want to go to sleep yet?" Josh asked me. "Not right now" I smiled at him and so he climbed into my bunk and sat down next to me.

"What a day" Josh sighed, a smile resting on his face. "Did you enjoy today?" I asked. "Totally, I loved every second of it" he replied with a grin. "What did you like most?" I asked him curiously. "Uhm.....I uh...I liked meeting your friends and I loved the parade" Josh stuttered as his cheeks turned red. "You liked the kiss" I chuckled teasingly at him. "No I mean, the parade it.... was really-" he stuttered again, his cheeks flushing even more. "Darn it, yes okay I liked the kiss" he eventually mumbled in defeat. "I knew it!" I exclaimed and I started laughing. "But I bet you didn't dislike it either?" Josh winked at me. "I never said so" I smiled at him again. "Well, then I guess it wouldn't bother you if I-" Josh began as he leaned closer to me and put his lips on mine. I rested my back against the wall and kissed him back passionately. "Would do that again" Josh finished his sentence when he pulled away again. "Where did you learn to flirt that fast?" I chuckled at him. "I'm a natural, it is a talent you see" Josh started to brag about himself. "Oh yes ofcourse, Joshua Dun, born with the talent to flirt. The man who spilled his coffee over a girl and hardly dared talking to her in the first few weeks of their friendship" I laughed at him. "Okay I give up, I know I am terrible" he snickered. "Good enough for me" I smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder. "As long as I am good enough for you, it is all fine with me" Josh whispered.

A/N: I'm so sad about the fact that I can't go to their show this November but oh well, my time will come I guess. I love you all.
Stay Alive |-/

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