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Please read this chapter with care.

-Tyler POV-

When Josh had told me how Bryan had been beating up Hayleigh this morning I was shocked. We had only left her alone for a few ours and she already got herself into big trouble. I had told Josh multiple times to go and pick her up and bring her on tour with us again but he had refused. "She is with Alexis now, she will be safe" he tried to assure me, but he failed miserably. I wanted Hayleigh back here with us right now so that I could protect her, keep an eye on her and take care of her because she deserved someone who cared that much right now. I knew Alexis was a great friend of hers but I still didn't have much confidence in the whole situation, so I decided to call her. When she didn't pick up I spoke in a voicemail for her to listen to.

"Hey Hayleigh, Josh told me about what happened this morning and I am so sorry for leaving you and letting you be exposed to dangerous situations like that. I don't know exactly why but.....I feel like it is my fault. I should have made sure nobody knew about your relationship. I should have stayed with you or let you stay with us for longer. I should have been there to protect you, to take care of you.....
And I'm sorry that that wasn't what I was doing. I'm sorry Hayleigh, for not being able to be there for you right now because honestly, that's all I want to do right now. I want you back on tour with us, so I can take care of you but Josh told me that wasn't necessary because you were with a friend.....
But please Hayleigh, pleaseeeee take care of yourself if I can't be there with you right now and please stay alive.
Stay alive for me."

I sighed and a tear escaped the corner of my eye as I spoke out these last words. "Stay alive for me." That's all I needed her to do. I was stressing out about this whole situation, why did everything in life had to get so diffecult when growing up? Why couldn't it just be like when we were children where we could play around freely, without any worries.

Because my name is Blurryface and I care what you think now.

"Leave me alone......please" I cried.

Do you think I am going to take commands from a weak boy like you?

"Yes, you are going to take commands from the person who created you with his own thoughts" I whispered, more tears streaming down my face.

Yes indeed, you created me but you won't ever get rid of me. We are one, don't you remember? You are a goner Tyler Joseph.

I brought my sharp nails towards my skin and started scratching it. Just then Josh opened the curtain to my bunk. "Oh no Tyler you are not doing this!" he yelled, yanking my hand away from my arm. "But I have to Josh!" I protested, "Blurry needs me to do it." "No Tyler! You don't need to do anything for Blurry, you need to stay safe and block him out, he is inside your thoughts and I know it is hard but please don't give in to him" Josh sighed. I wish it was that simple. I wish I could just block him out. But I couldn't. I leaned my head against the wall and started hitting my head against it. "GET OUT!" "GET OUT! "GET OUUUUUUUUUUTTT!" I screamed whilst hitting my head. At this sound Jenna came running in to the bus. "Tyler stop, please" she begged me with tears in her eyes. "I...I..can't do it anymore" I cried out. "Tyler, hey, please just listen to me, me and Josh are here for you, we want to help you alright?" she asked me. I nodded my head, tears still streaming down my face. I burried my face into Josh's chest and started sobbing violently. "Why!?" I screamed, "WHY ME?"

-Josh's POV-

When Tyler had calmed down a little he went for a walk to "clear up his head" but I didn't trust him so I decided to follow him. He walked through the park and everything seemed to be okay until I saw him climbing on to a building....
I quickly ran after him but he was on the roof already. "Tyler what are you doing?!" I yelled when I saw him standing there. "You know what I am doing Josh" he sighed. "Tyler please!" I begged him, "stay with me." He sighed and then turned his back to me. "When I look outside Josh, all I see is a world that would be better off without me in it, trying to transform it" he said, his voice barely audible. "But Tyler, there are so many people who care about you, just because you are feeling down now doesn't mean the battle is lost already" I said, tears now streaming down my face. "But I am tired of fighting Josh" he sighed. "Tyler, you know you wouldn't want it to end like this, all the people that you would leave behind, Jenna, Hayleigh, your family, the fans, me. Blurry hasn't won yet and I want to save you" I said, trying my hardest not to yell out of frustration. "I'm sorry Josh" he whispered and he jumped.........

"I'm sorry for putting you through all of this" he cried while landing in my arms. "Don't be sorry Tyler, I want to help you, so please stay alive, stay with us" I sniffled while hugging him tightly. "I need you in my life...." I whispered.

"P...please don't tell anyone" Tyler begged me while we were walking back to the bus. "I won't Tyler, I would never do that" I assured him and he let out a quick sigh before we got back on to the bus.

-Hayleighs POV-

When I listened to Tylers voicemail I started crying. Tyler was way too sweet for me and he was so caring and amazing and lovely and ugh I just couldn't even handle it. The next morning I also found a letter on my doormat.

"Day 1" it read on the front.

"Hello Hayleigh,
So this is your first day alone after being on tour with us for three weeks. I know it might be hard to be by yourself again and not have us with you but you are in our hearts, I promise. We already miss you a lot and I honestly wish you could be here right now to make fun with us and laugh our asses off and make Josh happy and just..everything.......
We all really care about you and we hope that you are doing well today and if not, then please try to get through this day because even your worst days only have 24 hours :)
Josh has been crying when we left, it was kinda cute hahahah he loves you so much Hay! I decided to just write you a letter to let you know that I care about you and I want you to be okay and you'll hopefully feel good/better when you read this.
We all love you lotsssssss
X Josh, Tyler and Jenna

"Awwwhhhh you have the greatest of friends!" Alexis, who had been reading with me over my shoulder, exclaimed. "And Josh is so cute like ohmygawshhh when are you going to get married?" she chuckled at which I started blushing furiously. "Not any time soon" I laughed back at her as I went to pick up my phone to send Tyler a message back.

"Hey Tyjo,
Thank you so much for doing this, you probably don't even understand how much this means to me :) I just want to thank you and tell you that you are an amazing friend and I will stay alive for you |-/
Also please don't blame yourself for any problems that I, myself have created. It was my own fault to get mad at Bryan and let all of this happen but please don't worry, I am okay now.
You have to know that I care lots about you too and I really hope that you are doing alright too because I care about you my mr.smol bean ;)
Please give Josh a kiss for me and Jenna and yourself a hug!
X Hayleigh"

The time was going by way too slow without Tyler and Josh around and I was really looking forward to the moment when I could engulf them in a hug again, making sure that they were alright and felt beloved.

A/N: Almost 200 readers! Thanks again so much to all of you who are reading my work :) I love you all.
Stay Alive |-/

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