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Dear reader,
The avengers would like to wish you a Happy Halloween- with a wicked smile from Tony- and a good luck on your costumes. Now we'll continue by showing you what they said exactly.


GG: Happy Halloween, eveyone! Thanks fo eading thus fa, we eally appeciate it!

Tony: Reading? What do you mean by reading?

Nat: Stark, we are in a book.


Steve: We tried to tell you earlier, but you wouldn't listen.

Bruce: Everything we say and do is coming from an *amazing, talented, beautiful, outrageously smart* author. She controls us and we have nothing to do with it.

Tony: So it's her fault Pepper broke up with me?

Sam: Yes, very much so.

Tony: Oh, great and powerful author, please look down upon me and forgive me for anything I might've done wrong. I want Pepper back so very much, I'd do anything to get her back. She's my pride and joy, the completion of my life, and you took her away from me! Please have mercy on me.

Author, CamBam: Anthony Stark, you've done nothing wrong. But if you insist on doing anything, then you need to climb Mount Everest- on foot, without your suit- and carve you and Peppers initials into the highest rock you can find.

Tony: Oh thank you. I will go do it right now if I have to.

Author, CamBam: NO! I mean- you must start your quest tomorrow afternoon for me to forgive you.

Nat: Wow, she's being very kind.

Tony: Agreed. Pepper, I will have you back as soon as I get back! Our initials will be higher than anything on earth!

GG: HAHAHHAHAHA!!!! We got you!

Wanda: Haha, 'author, CamBam' typical.

Steve: too good!

Nat: this is the funniest prank I've ever come up with!

Tony: ..... wait, what?

Steve: This was all a prank. There is not author CamBam. We aren't in a book. We aren't being controlled. We tricked you!

Tony: But- but then who was 'Author, CamBam'?

Wanda: I was, I changed my name for the prank. Please don't climb Mount Everest, you'll die.

GG: Boy, we should do this again sometime.

Nat: Agreed, let's go prank Clint now.

Tony: You guys are too good. But that was rude, toying the idea of Pepper.

Rhodes: Whats going on?

Clint: I heard my name, what did I do?

CamBam, true author of Avengers- Age of Texting: Tony, if you want to get your girlfriend back, do something outstandingly awesome to draw her attention back to you. Also be more respectful. If you don't, I will make you jump in a pit of Lava.

Tony: Nice try, Wanda.

Wanda: I'm right here, I didn't say that.

Tony: Funny, funny. Nat?

Nat: Tony, that wasn't us. We are all playing Uno in your kitchen, none of us are on our phones.

Tony: Yeah right, don't give me that crap. You guys gotta be joking... right?


Honestly, thanks for reading and Voting! You guys are the ones that keep me active in this. Bless your souls! Now what are you waiting for? Vote! Have a great Halloween, and I'll see you on the next chapter!

Before I go, what are you all going to be for Halloween?

I'm going to be Sophie Foster from my book, Keeper of the Lost Cities.

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