GG isnt so sweet

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Tony: Pepper and I have big news

Clint: You're having a baby?!

Nat: What? No they aren't. They've been in a fight, remember?

Pepper: Nat is right, but we are not in a fight anymore. Tony and I are back together.

GG: Congratulations! I knew you 2 would be together again.

Tony: I wanted to tell them, Pepper.

Pepper: Wha wha, cry a little more.

Clint: so you aren't having a baby?

Wanda: Sometimes I wonder what goes through his head, wait, I'm seeing it right now and it's not pretty.

Clint: Hey, I honestly very confused. Are they having a baby or not?

Steve: No. they are back together.

Clint: Wait, why is that such big news?

Sam: Oh my goodness, because they had a big break-up months ago, it feels like, and now they've been reunited. That's why. If you didn't get that, I'm going to whack you with a shovel.

Clint: I think it makes sense now.

Steve: you think

Clint: I'm only confused about why they broke up.

Sam: I've had enough of this. Tony, where are the shovels in this place?

Nat: Gosh, my boyfriend is an idiot.

Pepper: He's making me contemplate my decision.

GG: Oh no he doesn't. I'll show him

Sam: I'm very glad I decided to stay here. This is entertaining.

Nat: Boy, if you're getting beat by a girl, I'm gonna start contemplating my relationship with you, birdbrain.

Pepper: Wait, what's going on?

Sam: GG just did my job by tackling Clint. Then they started wrestling and I'm happy to say that GG is indeed winning. She's got him pinned and he's helplessly trying to escape like a worm.

Nat: GG, if you wouldn't mind to stay clear of his face, it's the only thing he's got left.

Sam: I think he's giving up

Pepper: Oh, GG is so sweet, doing this for Tony and I's relationship. A true friend, she is.

Sam: Oh, screw what I said before, Clint might have a chance now. He somehow managed to wiggle free and has caught GG off guard.

Nat: He better not hurt her, or he'll be the next endangered species.

Bruce: I love how none of you are rooting for Clint

Sam: Oh, GG has him in a headlock. For a second there I thought he had a chance.

Wanda: He did have a chance. He lost it

Tony: It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt

Sam: Oh no he didn't.

Pepper: What did he do?

Sam: He elbowed GG right in the stomach to break free from the headlock.

Tony: I told you. Nobody listens to me

Bruce: I love how Sam is narrating everything

Sam: Dude, not cool. He just slapped her. That's disrespectful, where are your manners?

Nat: Okay, this is going to far.

Wanda: Ouch, that would hurt.

Pepper: Sam, keep narrating!

Sam: Nat interfered Clint's punch, the fight is over but now GG is really angry with Clint and Clint is doomed.

Pepper: Why is he doomed?

Sam: He punched Nat, I told you she interfered, remember?

Pepper: Oh, he is doomed. 2 very mad women are not what you want to mess with.

Tony: I'll go dig his grave

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