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*Dont worry, there are no Infinity War spoilers*

Above is a trailer for Infinity War!

The Avengers would like to say a quick good-bye:

Steve: Thanks for reading our texts, have a good 4th of July and don't forget to brush your teeth!

Bruce: the 4th of July is in a month and is that a script for a holiday tooth brush commercial?

Steve: Maybe, these people are paying me good money to be in their commercial. Why wouldn't I take the deal?

Bruce: Because maybe we're in a more important situation that needs your full attention.

Steve: And what situation is that?

Bruce: Man, how hard did you get hit in the head? Do you not remember anything that happened in Infinity War?

Steve: What's Infinity War?

Bruce: Oh boy, go watch the movie

Tony: Okay... bye everybody. I won't miss you

Nat: That wasn't very nice, I'll miss you.

Tony: Well I won't

Nat: That's Okay, because you don't need Tony to miss you

Tony: I'm obviously the favorite avenger, so yes they do need me

Nat: Where do you get off?

Tony: Is that a quote from a movie or what?

Nat: Maybe

Tony: You're so predictable

Nat: Was That predictable?

Tony: How on earth did you manage to get a knife stuck in the couch next to me when you aren't even in the building

Nat: don't underestimate me

Steve: Guys, this is supposed to be a goodbye not a rant session

Tony: we aren't ranting so this isn't a rant session

Steve: you know what I mean. These are our very last texts and you're using them to argue. Why don't we just say bye and thanks then go figure out our situation

Bruce: Aha! So you do remember

Steve: I don't want to spoil anything for the readers

Tony: ************

Nat: Was That swearing?

Tony: no it was a spoiler

CamBam: Okay, that's enough guys. Thanks for sharing your texts with us. It was fun deciding your fate over the past 2 years. But I'm putting you in the MCU's hands now. Good luck and have fun in Infinity War 2 or whatever comes next!

Nat: Thanks girl. It was fun being in your story.

Tony: I'm blaming you for the middle chapters of this book

Bruce: Well yeah cause she wrote it you idiot

Steve: Thanks for not torturing me too bad. America is grateful.

CamBam: Sure, Cap. Anyways, I'd also like to thank my readers. There might only be 30 or so of you that will read this but I'm thankful for all 30 or so of you. I didn't think this book would go this far and 13 year old me didn't even know what I was writing till it was published. Thanks for not criticizing my bad 7th grader grammar and spelling at the start of this. You guys have been amazing readers! Wattpad is a better place with you all. Now see you later!


The next chapter will be some suggestions of great books for you amazing people to read. I will also tag some of my followers. (If you would like to get tagged, then vote on this chapter! If you don't, then you'll have a lesser chance of getting tagged if I randomly choose. You have till June 14th to vote!) this next chapter will come out on the 14th so hurry!


Avengers: Age of TextingWhere stories live. Discover now