Depleted, defeated, strung out
Drained out, depressed, deranged.
Caring for less, hoping for something.
Seeking a path so remote, so far-off.
Unreachable to grasp, too absurd
She succumbs to the hurt, the agony,
Her everlasting grief
Of the soul snatched from her so abruptly.
She is clothed but with misery
The material so vile so vicious
Grasping her skin, gnashing her flesh
Like a snake feasting on his prey
Gnawing every part of her body
Till all her insides are gone.
She has been corroded, defiled, ridiculed.
Put down, crushed, shunned, cast off
From the place she thought she knew.
Who is she? What is she?
Does she have a place? A home?
A tongue, a kin, anything, anyone
She could ask.
She gives, she submits, she obeys
The commands of he who has the power to choose
He makes her life barren, bare, blank.
He takes what she hands to him as his daily treat.
Ripping her garments of her body,
Forcing himself into her frail, feeble flesh
Having what he pleasures the most
While taking her spirit away from her.
After fulfilling his want,
He releases himself from her and departs
Forgetting what he has one ran off with
Forgetting what he knowingly snatched from her.
Soon she's labelled, insulted, humiliated
By what others think is her own doing
She pays for what was done to her
She lacked the power to love.
She had no knowledge of what it was to care.
To be there for another human being.
She is bruised, pounded, lashed with weapons
Weapons piercing through her body,
Wounding her......carelessly.
No concern for her plight,
No regards to her state
She is alone, she has no one.
Her womanhood is of no existence
She's assumed to not say a word
Not make a sound, not utter a thing.
Her existence is ignored, rejected.
She is neglected by the one who should've known.
She creates her own doom
Her own failure is recognized by those
Who fail to see that she too is mortal
She too is deserving of a life full of choice.
Who is she? What is she? Where has she gone to?
She has decayed, she is destroyed.
She has been shredded and turned into ash.
She has withered away with the wind.
Who is she? What happened to her?
The one that had vast, plenty.
She had it all: eyes as brown as almonds
Hair as long and smooth as a cat's fur.
Her skin - baby smooth,
Her complexion was fair like light painting.
She glowed, she conquered, she triumphed.
She was a being, she was a creature,
She was a female, a girl becoming woman.
The jewels, the riches, the applause from everyone.
What happened to her? What change her?
Was her identity misplaced?
Her soul was definitely robbed, cleared away
By the one who did not care.
Was it her own insecurity of her individuality?
Did she depend on someone?
Did she have confidence in someone else
Who saw her being less than what she was?
What could she have done?
How can she allow that delinquent, sly specimen
Enter her domain and take what was rightfully hers?
How can she allow others
To create rules, commands, prospectus
Ways beyond her reach?
Where did she go? Where did she depart to?
She is punished, prosecuted, put down.
Is she free? Is she alive? Is she safe?
From sin, disgrace, perish, imprisonment?
Did she cry out for help like the boy crying wolf?
Did anyone, anybody, something actually come to her rescue?
Would they have answered? Who should've saved her?
Does she even have the slightest bit of hope?
Did she write a letter, a note, a text?
Did she inform a person where she was headed?
Was she even headed somewhere?
She is destroyed, she is eliminated from the flock
Because she was less worthy than they.
Oh how she departed so soon.
Dusk to dawn. Dusk to dawn.
She was so young, so tender
Didn't have what she needed, what she craved
Washed away by voluminous waves
Dragged into the ocean.
Nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be discovered.
Now she is unseen, unheard of.
Forgotten for all eternity.
She lives in darkness, darkness overcomes her.
What happened to her?
Where is she now?
Where is our woman?
Poesía"The truth is better scripted than hidden!" This is a collection of poems that I wrote in my youth inspired by the many emotions and phenomenon entrenched in my thoughts. My vision is to inspire, enlighten and empower.