Companions, acquaintances, confidantes, mates
These are the names, the terms
Used to call those people,
Those who are important, crucial,
Valuable to us all.
But, something is missing,
Something is included in this list,
What could it be mmmh?
Starting with the letter F
Foes, fellows, familiar beings.
No no no no no! These aren't it!
Ah! I have it.......friends.A group, a communion, a combination
Of people with the same interests,
The same abilities, morals, background.
Surroundings and situations bind them
In a miniature hole wrapped in a rope
Which can never be ripped apart
By neither man nor object.
They are placed in a state,
A composition, a union
That keeps them together.
This is called friendshipFriendships arrive, are kept,
Shared and treasured.
Many strive to stumble upon,
To have and to hold onto
Something as precious
As a genuine, hard core friendship.
However, they rarely exist
And many do not possess themMost friendships that are there
Are merely there for convenience
For social comfort, for acceptance.
Some are merely for material gains:
Money, power, goods.
Then there is the deadliest,
Most brutal and vicious one of all.
This one has hurt, crushed, dispatched
The lives of those unfortunate...
Unfortunate to be forced
To endure its venom.
Name-the toxic friendship.This friendship is so false,
So evil, so heartless
That it internally murders people.
Toxic friendships are not seen,
Not easily discovered, not outspoken.
They're so concealed,
One can never see them.
Until it is too late.At first you don't see it
It acts as a normal friend,
Inviting those ignorant victims in,
Then when it's achieved its goal
It invisibly attacks the victims
And leaves them scarred.The first attack- the charity bargain.
Using their lack of income and material gains
Only calling on a 'friend' when help is needed
To trick the victim into giving in
Then abandoning that same 'friend'
When times are very tough.Second attack-the two timers
Showing incredulous adoration for someone
Then when the person is away,
They rip the person apart
Piece by piece by piece
With cursed words and making fun
Of that person's flaws.The third attack-the hypocrite
Pretending to be these perfect human beings
Whilst pointing out the faults a friend
Without noticing their own mishaps.The last attack-the verbal bully.
This type will treat the person
As if that person is nothing
But a miniature
Drifting into the wind.
Verbalising every hurtful,
Spineless opinion about that person
While internally, they are putting
A dagger through the person's soul.There are those friendships which last
They are solid and genuine,
Pieced and moulded as one.
But, there are those friendships,
Those friendships which do break away.
They cannot be pieced together
They can never be repaired.
They are like mirrors.
Once they are broken,
The cracks can't be placed together.Ending a friendship is not simple.
Knowing that the connection
That very first connection
Which binds people together is gone
Can be troubling on a person.
It is a piece of art created
By more than one person
However it has deteriorated
And turned to ash.
Its meaning is truly, utterly lost.
Friendships that hurt,
Friendships that die
Friendships that fade.
Puisi"The truth is better scripted than hidden!" This is a collection of poems that I wrote in my youth inspired by the many emotions and phenomenon entrenched in my thoughts. My vision is to inspire, enlighten and empower.