Chapter 2 : A New Friend

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This is it. My new home. I thought to myself, as I was staring at tall white building.

I'll be living in here. I got my stuff out of car, and started walking up to my apartment.

I had two big suitcases with me, 2 bags, my purse, phone and headphones...
I obviously couldn't take it all once in the time, so I got my suitcase, one bag, purse, and phone with headphones.

I plugged in headphones into my phone, and played some music. I was so into it. I looked at my phone to pick another song.

I felt like I just crashed into something... Really, that clumsy?

I fell on my butt. Gosh, it hurts!

"OMG, are you ok? I'm so sorry. " a very pretty sky blue haired girl said to me. She quickly grabbed my hand and helped me stand up.

"I'm fine, thanks." I smiled to her.

"I'm Annabelle Glenn, btw. But, you can call me Anna" she hugged me.

Hugs are usually very awkward for me. Especially when a girl I met like 2 minutes ago is hugging me like she knew me for 10 years.

"Hi, Anna, I'm Mel, and I like your hair so much! " I hugged her back. It felt natural.

"Y-you do?" I nodded. "Thank you so much" she smiled.

"So, you are probably new here, right. "
I nodded: "Yeah, room 565."
"OMG, really? You are right next to me." She said squeezing me into a hug.

"Um, hey... Could you help me with my bags?" I looked at her.

"Aw, sure sweetie" she smiled as we got to my car and took the rest of the stuff.

As we were walking to the elevator, we started talking. She is such a nice girl

Anna's POV

I love this girl! She's gonna be my best friend! She is super sweet and nice. I thought to myself.

"So, why did you come here? ", I was curious.

" Well, since I saw it, I knew I wanted to attend it. 'The Danciouver University' "


" Are. You. Serious? " I said exited. " I am attending that same university, as my brother. ", I smiled

" Your brother? " she turned her gaze to me.

" Um... Yeah, he is actually living right next to you! You are in Glenn sandwich! " we both laughed.

Mel's POV

We got to the elevator and continued our talk about the university. She's been attending it for a while now. Like her brother.

She wasn't talking about him that much. All I know is that his name is 'Dan', he is 19 years old, and he has brown hair. I was kind of interested it meeting him, but at the same time, I don't expect too much. I heard that he loves playing video games, which is pretty cool. I hope we'll be good friends, cause then I can play some games with him.

"We're finally here! ", she said smiling.

" So, I'll just put this bags over here. " I pointed next to my bed with red blanket over it.

"I love this place!", I yelled as Anna smiled at me.

"Hey, do you wanna come to my place to have a coffee, or something, and then I'll help you unpack. " Anna asked me still smiling.

" Sure, and thanks!" I said as my lips curled up into a smile.

"No problem ", she said as we walked out of my place, heading to hers.

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