Chapter 8 : Pizza

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" A party? ", I asked exited.

Even though I'm nerdy and everything, I like going to parties.

I rushed to Anna's room, and saw her in pink lovely dress.

"Do I look good?"

"Perfect.", I said as I shot her a smile.

"Um... But what about school? "

"Tomorrow is Saturday... And, Mike will be there.", Anna said slightly blushing.

"W-wait! M-Mike? ", I worryingly asked her.

" Yeah! He is cute, hot, and one of the 'cool guys'. ", she smiled, not knowing what kind of person he is.

Could it really be? No way... But what if... That is my ex... What if that is Mike..?

"'Cool guys'.. Pff.", he is not cool, nor cute, but he is hella hot, no lies.

"He is! Soo cool. ", she defended him.

"Riiiight~.", I answered her while smirking.

"Do you know him, or something? "

" Oh... Um.. I.. "

"Pizza is here!"

I heard Dan yelling. Thank God.

"Coming!", I yelled back as I ran downstairs.

The smell of pizza made me even more hungry.

"Cathy, I'm in the kitchen... With ma pizza! "

I chuckled at his sweetness. He is so cute.

"Coming!", I yelled back as I basically ran to the kitchen.

I got there, but there was no sign of Dan.

"Daaan, where are yo--"

"Boo! ", Dan screamed jumping from behind the door.

" You scared? ", he asked, pretty excited.

" You twelve? "


There was awkward silence.

''So, about that party Anna was talking about...'', I finally spoke up and broke the silence.

''Hm.. I haven't really thought about it.'', he said as he put his index finger on his pinkish lips.

I took a big bite of pizza and my mouth was full of it. It was really tasty . Actually, my favourite one, capricciosa.

''Are you going?'', Dan said, turning his gaze to me.

Shit. My mouth is still full. What the hell should I do?

''I mwo bwfo.''

I sound like a fool.

I put my finger in front of him, showing him to wait.

He looked at me, smiling while showing his white teeth.

He probably thinks I'm weird af now.

I ate the pizza and gulped down my Coke.

I took a breath. 'I don't know.', I sighed .

"Why ? You should go, meet some new friends .'' He took another slice of pizza.

''Well, first of all, I don't have anything like that to wear. Second of all, if I go, I'll be alone the whole time, cause Anna will be flirting with Mike .''

''She told you about him, didn't she?''

I nodded. Only if he knew.

''Do you want me to go? To keep each other company?'', he titled his head raising an eyebrow .

He hot.

''Um... but I still have nothing to wear .''

''Go to Anna, she probably has something .''

I got up from my chair, and got out of the kitchen.

''Oh, and Mel, when you finish with that, come to my place, and help me pick something to wear, ok?''

''K.'', I said as I ran upstairs.

He asked me to help him with his clothes. Oh, well, I guess that's what friends do, right?

Dan's POV

'K'? Seriously?

And is she... blushing?

This girl really is something.

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