Chapter 7 : My Heart

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"I'm concentrated on this game, so I'm asking you : 'Could you stay quiet?'. " I said arrogantly.

"Make me. ", he said as a smirk plastered over his face.

He. Has. To. Stop.

" Just let me finish this game. ", I replied, awkward.

"Ugh, you're so bad at this game...", he said looking at my hands that moved swiftly on the joystick.

"I'm not! Everyone survived... Well, except Beth an--. "

" Don't move! ", he yell-whisperd.

I hate this part of the game.

I was trying so hard not to move. I was breathing heavily.

It was silent.



"Wow, lady, come down, will ya?"  Dan smirked as he successfully scared the crap outta me.

"My heart! ", I said as I dramatically put my hand on my chest.

"Let me help. I can be your personal doctor.", he said as he came closer.

You are not helping at all.

My heart is beating even faster now. It's gonna explode.

I was now leaning back. As he leant closer, I was leaning away.

I was sitting on the floor, playing ma game, minding my own business, a second ago.

But now, I'm trying really hard to breathe.


Thank God.

It was my phone that interrupted  us.

Mamita: Call me when you have time.

I read the message, and smiled.

"Um... Dan... I gotta go call my mom. Brb. ", I said, awkwardly.

"Okay.", he fake smiled, annoyed.

I got out of the room, to the kitchen.

"Hiii~ mommy ~~! I miss you! ", I said acting cute.

" Oh, honey, I miss you too! How's everything going? You met some friends? Some guy-friends? "
" Mooom~, i can sense you smirking through the phone. And yes, I did."

"Hey, Mel, you're staying for dinner? You have tooo~ " I heard Dan from the other room

"Um... Sure."

"Who's th--", my mom was cut by another yell.

"Pizza? "

"Pizza.", I said smiling.


"Mom! Stop! "

" Who's that? ", she asked with a teasing tone.

" Nobody. "

" Oh, but he is, or will be Somebody. "

" Mom, he is just a friend! "

" I can sense you blushing. Mother's instinct. "

I laughed."Right. Ok, gotta go, go finish your book, love ya!"

" Love you more. "

" Hey, I called the delivery, they'll be here any time. ", Dan said looking at his phone, and then at me.

" Oh, and btw, where is Anna? "

" At her room, she keeps talking about some party and dresses and stuff that I don't even understand. "

" A party? ", I asked exited.

Even though I'm nerdy and everything, I like going to parties.

I rushed to Anna's room, and saw her in pink lovely dress.

"Do I look good?"

"Perfect.", I said as I shot her a smile.

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