Chapter 4 : Yay! Games!

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Mel's POV

"Hi, beautiful."

I was occupied with my phone, when I saw a tall, pale, chocolate brown haired guy. His eyes shined under his hair, that was going in his eyes. He got his hair away from his eyes, so that he can see me.

I froze.

"Hi." That's right. Just keep it short and simple.

"And your name is?", his eyes were smiling at me.

He smirked at yme.

I felt like dying.


"Daaan! Why did you get out of the bed?", I was cut by Anna.

"Oh, now you remembered me? And thanks for the water, btw. ", Dan said as his gaze moved from me, to her slightly tanned face.

" I am really sorry, Dan... But, I see you met Mel. ", she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Well, not really.", his dark eyes met mines. "You came just when she was about to tell me her name.", he was still looking at me, but I looked at my black ripped jeans in awkwardness.

"Oh, well, this is my brother, Daniel, aka Dan.", she pointed at the tall guy. "And, Dan, this is Melanie, aka Mel."

He got his hands out of his pockets, "Nice to meet you.", he smiled. Gosh, his smile.

"Nice to meet you too. ", I got mu phone at your other hand, and gave him an awkward handshake.

"Oh, and Dan", Anna looked at her brother, "we don't have any medicine."

"I wouldn't drink it anyway. ", he looked at Playstation 4." The only medicine I need is coke, and my beloved Playstation.", he smiled at me.

"What games do you have? Any horror ones?", I asked awkwardly.

"You like playing games?", I nodded. "Of course I do!"

"You have 'Until Dawn' too?", I asked, super excited.

"Pff, what kind of question is that? Of course! ", he smiled. "Wanna play?", he asked, staring directly at my eyes.

"Sure!" Yay! Games!

"Ok, so I gotta leave, I have to go grocery shopping ", Anna said," Dan, you're coming with me? "

" Nope", he said popping the 'P'.

"And you, Me--"
"Neither is she", Dan said looking at my face. At my sky blue eyes, at my cute little nose, and then at my pink, chapped lips. He was basically staring at them.

I felt slightly awkward. I felt a blush creeping up your cheeks.

Wait, what? He is so cheesy, yet I am still blushing.

"O-ok.",Anna said, slightly... How should I say it... Confused.

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