Chapter 3 : Hi, Beautiful

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Anna's POV

We got to my place as she put her hands on her mouth.

"Are. You. Joking.? ", she asked

" Daaaan! "

Mel's POV

Ok, this is too much. I am messy, but seriously?

Gurl, you gotta do something about this.

There were a few bottles of Coke, Pizza, cigarettes, a lighter, and a lot of mess.

The whole room was filled with a cigar scent.

" Open the windows. "Anna said pointing to the windows.

I came closer to them and opened them slowly.

It was really sunny outside. I covered my face with my long fingers as bright sun was burning them.

As I was opening them, Anna yelled : "Dan! Where are you? What the hell happened?"

"Ugh! " manly voice moaned in pain. "I'm in the bathroom!"

"Are you drunk? ", she yelled as she rushed to the bathroom. She was mad and worried at the same time. You could hear it in her voice.

" No... I just had some friends that came over, yesterday. We've just smoked and drinking Coke. " he threw up." Oh, yeah, and we were eating pizz--" he throws up again. "spoiled one"

She facepalmed herself , looking at him.

"Ok, how do you feel now? Are you food poisoned? Does that even make any sense? Ugh! ", Anna said, worryingly.

He smirked :" I'm fine, sist--", throws up again.

"Sure. You are.", she looked at him with love in her eyes. "It's like I am always taking care of you, even though you are my older brother." she helped him up.

"Older by 5 minutes! ", he said acting mad.

" But still... Older", she smiled.

"Ok, whatever do you say. "

"Let's get you to my room" she helped him walking to her door, "then, when you fell better, you'll get the hell away, understood?" she said sarcastically.

"Yes ma'am ", he chuckled.

He laid at her bed, as she got to her door and said:" I'll get you some medicine... And I gotta pee, so...",they laughed.

"Okay, sis. Oh, and get me some water too", he smiled.

She nodded

Anna's POV

I HAVE TO PEE, was all that was at my mind.

I rushed at the bathroom, and locked the door.

Mel's POV

I feel left out. She totally forgot about me.

Ok, now is not the right moment to be jealous cause your new best friend doesn't hang out with you.

I just hope that guy is going to be okay.

I just sat on the couch and turned on my phone.

Free WiFi! Hecks yes!

Dan's POV

I am thirsty af.

All this throwing up thing got me thirsty...

And of course Anna forgot to get me water.

Where is that girl anyway?

Ok, I'll go look for her.

Anna's POV

Oh, great! I am such a good friend! I totally forgot about her! And about my bro!

I got out of bathroom and heard someone talking.

"Daaan! Why did you get out of the bed?"

Dan's POV

I just got from my room.

Well, that was exhausting

I got to her kitchen and took a glass of water.

And another one...

And another one...

Gosh, I am thirsty!

Mel's POV

I heard footsteps. That's probably Anna.

I was just sitting there and texting my mom.

Mamita: Oh, you already found friends? That's great news. Is there any guys? ;)

Me: Mom, I just got here! And I'm not really interested in looking for a guy right now...

Where is Anna?

Zzn. Zzn. My phone, again.

Mamita:Ok, take care, honey. Love you. <3

Me:Love you too, mom. <3

Dan's POV

I heard something from living room.

Really, Anna? You're texting? Now? What about my water? I am sick, ya know?

I was about to yell at her when instead of sky blue hair I saw long brown haired girl texting someone.

"Hi, beautiful."

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