Chapter 9 : Old Scars

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Mel's POV

He asked me to help him with his clothes. Oh, well, I guess that's what friends do, right?

Dan's POV

'K'? Seriously?

And is she... blushing?

This girl really is something.

Mel's POV

Oh crap, it's so late! It's like 11 or something!

I literally ran to Anna's room.

I quietly opened the door, seeing her reflection in the mirror. Her as snow white teeth were shining brightly.

I looked at what was she wearing. The same dress from minutes ago. She was staring at herself while fixing her dress.

"Well you look cute."

"Thank you, do you think he'll like it?"


"Mike. ", she said with a 'duh' tone.

But... Could it really be him?


I honestly don't mind driving. I enjoy it. That's not the case most of the time. Drivers usually don't really like driving. But I am always the one that is different from the rest of society.

But this trip got me exhausted.

I need some coffee.

Like right now!

I stopped at the first coffee shop in this big city. I've been here a few times, but when I was a kid and I had time.

I saw a familiar tall guy.

No, it can't be.

"M-Mike? "

He hasn't changed. He's still as hot as before.

I am sweating so much right now.

" Oh, long time no see, Mel. " he winked at me.

That just happened. I just saw a guy, and not any guy. My ex.

And the thing that worries me the most is that, when he winked at me, my heart skipped a bit.

And he disappeared. I just stood there, frozen.

°end of flashback°

"Meeel~! Hellooo~! ", I saw Anna waving her hand in front of me.

" Oh! Um... Sorry."

"Mel, are you ok?", Anna asked worryingly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just bit tired, and I gotta go home. "


What do you mean 'already', I've been here the whole day!

"Yeah, sorry, we'll go shopping tomorrow, I gotta go buy something nice to wear if I'm planning on going to that party. "

" You're coming?! " I nodded.

"Anna, slow down. " she hugged me as I smiled.

"Ok", I said as I pulled myself out of the hug, "I gotta go now. Bye, and sweet dreams." she hugged me once more. She really likes hugging people, doesn't she?

"Ok, you too. Sleep well!", and with that I got out of her room.

What is Dan doing?

I got out of Anna's place. Dan asked me to help him with his shirt, right?

I knocked on his doors. Once. Twice. "Daaaan~" I knocked again. "Will you open the goddamn door?" I called for him again.
"That's it, I'm coming in! "

I got into his place, and was about to get out, because he probably wasn't home, but then I saw the light in one of the rooms.

And there he was. Shirtless. Holding a white and a black shirt in front of him, while puling them closer to his skin, and changing them from time to time.

I was about to go out of his room, when I heard his voice. "Black or white?"

"Black." I said without thinking. That's a nice color.

"I was thinking the same. That's a nice color, right?"

"Right." Ok, does he read minds or something?

"Ok, I'll see you later. "

"Bye, beautiful." a smirk appeared on his face.

I blushed. Really hard. But I got out of the room on time, so he hasn't been able to see my red face. I put my shoes back on, got to my place, and jumped on my bed, tired.

I easily fell asleep.

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