Chapter 6 : She Is Pretty

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Everything was in slow motion.

I closed my eyes.

I felt strong hands on my body.

"Caught you.", he said smiling.

Wow, he is close.

He was now holding me by my waist, and looking at my eyes.

I was there. My hands at his neck as I can easily smell his perfume. Gosh it smells like heaven.

He came closer. His breath was now tickling my lips.

This is it.

He stared at my lips, as I slowly started closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes to see Dan still at the place he used to be, but slightly irritated.

"I'm back! Dan, could you help me with th--", she stopped, surprised. "Woah... It's ok, I'll pretend I haven't seen anything." Anna said as she slowly started walking away.

"N-no", I shuttered. ''We were--''

''We weren't doing anything, you interupted us.'' Dan cut me.

This guy.

It was silent for few seconds, but then Anna spoke.

''Um... Dan?'', Dan turned his gaze from me to her.


''Could you come with me for a bit?''

''Um... Sure.'', he said as he looked at me.

''I'll be back. Continue playing your game, but please... Don't scream.''

He smiled and I chuckled.

Dan's POV

"What now? ", I asked annoyed.

" You can't do that to her. ", she told me with worrying eyes.

"Do what?", I asked, acting dumb.

"Please, she doesn't deserve this. She is just so nice, and smart, a-and pretty an--. "

"Well", I cut her, "I agree with you." I paused as I smirked. "Thank Go--"
"She is pretty. ", I continued.
"But if she's smart, she won't fall for me."

"Well, you were basically on the edge of making out at the kitchen, but... "she paused.

"But?", I asked, rising my eyebrow.

"But she won't fall for you. ", she finished her sentence.

"And why is that?", I said, annoyed.

"Like I said, she is smart, and she probably knows what are you up to."

"I don't even know what am I up to.", I laughed.

"Ok, ok so you say I won't have her? ", I asked as she nodded.

" Wanna bet? "


"So... If we end up together, you're buying us a dinner. "

" 'Us'? Confident, aren't we? Ok, fine, and If I win? "

" I'll take you to the mall. "

" Deal! ", she shook my hand excited.

What was she doing this whole time?

Mel's POV


What a wonderful start of the new friendships.


Gosh, stop it with jumpscares!

I kept my screams down as I remembered what happened last time. I smiled to myself.

Where are they? What took them so long?

"Looking for me?", a recognizable voice was heard.

"Nope. I'm concentrated on this game, so I'm asking you : 'Could you stay quiet?' I said arrogantly.

"Make me. ", he said as a smirk plastered over his face.

He. Has. To. Stop.

" Just let me finish this game. ", I replied, awkward.

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