The Guys

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"They just don't understand our concept of reason." Andrew said whilst pondering the "flawless" plans that ultimately failed. 

"have you considered killing them instead of knocking them out? i mean seriously, if we knock them out, they can wake up, alert the latch boss and we go on the run again. Whats the point of doing this fucked up shit anyways?" Clyde said as he was playing with his butterfly (balisong knife). 

"Would you..." Andrew said while turning to Clyde,  " to be beaten senseless for doing nothing?" 

"Fuck that, i'd kill them before they'd even lift a finger"

Andrew quickly grabbed Clyde's gun and aimed it right at Clyde's head and pulled back the hammer. "Bang."  

Clyde scoffed and slapped the gun away from his head. "fine, besides me getting my ass handed to me, what about killing the fucks?"

"I. don't kill." Andrew said as he clutched his knife tightly.

"Well that's your problem, if you need me to kill for ya, I'd be happy to do so." Said Clyde.

Jeff stepped between the conflict and gave Clyde a stern look and turned to Andrew. "Look, Andrew, he's right, if we only knock them out, they'll just get back up and we'll lose the gig."

Andrew quickly turned to Jeff and grabbed Jeff by the neck and pinned him to the wall and lifted him high from the ground. "Don't. you. Dare. Talk to me about Killing. I CAN kill but i choose not to."

Clyde pulled Andrew off of Jeff and pinned Andrew back, "tell us, why DON'T you kill?"

-----Typical Flash back-----

Andrew was in a abandoned part of town with his gal, just taking a midnight stroll through though the cool night. everything was fine then, law was still crooked, gangs ran parts of town, and the guys were planning a heist. things couldn't have been better. he had the gal, he had the plans, and things were chaotic. and he loved it. But that night, he felt very tense and he was surprisingly on guard, but he'd disregard it because he was with his gal. they decided to rest for a a few minutes and they were visited by a man in a full body armor, he smiled and opened fire on the two. Clyde pushed his gal away from the line of fire and rushed the armored man and tackled him and took the mans mask off and knocked the man out. Andrew stood up and walked to his gal but all he found was a small blood trail that lead to an alley way. He followed the trail and found that it was coming from his gal. He rushed toward her and gently held her on top of him, he held her hand and examined her wound. A ricocheted bullet had gotten to her and the shredded bullet was lodged deeply in her stomach. Andrew looked back at his dying gal and reassured her that she was going to be OK. The girl smiled, weakly held Andrews hand, and gently kissed Andrew. Andrew began to tear up; The girl weakly smiled and gently said, "don't let me kill the buzz, go on and have fun, i'll be with you by your side." and the girl faintly smiled and drifted off to a deep sleep, one that she can't be woken up. He gripped her lifeless body tightly and sobbed. As he was sobbing, the armored man was at Andrews front and held the gun at Andrews head, "she deserved it for being with a piece of shit like you." Andrew gently sat his lifeless gals body against the wall and stood up and faced the man. He had snapped and his eyes went red and grabbed the barrel of the gun and broke the mans wrist. The man fell back in pain and threw a punch. Andrew caught the man's punch and twisted his wrist, instantly breaking it. The man fell on his back in pain and looked up toward Andrew. Andrew had a smile of rage and eyes of blood lust. The man pleaded at Andrew not to kill him and that only pleasured Andrew more. Andrew told the man saying, "What you've done can only be judged by the hand of god." Andrew then proceeded to unload the 21 bullet clip into the mans head. Shot after shot, blood splattered and and streamed down the alley. when the gun fell empty, Andrew threw the gun away and began twisting the corpses neck, Andrew kept twisting and twisting, listening to every pop and crack and savored it , until the lifeless head gave way with a simple tug. Andrew smiled at his crafty work until sirens broke the silence. He whispered to the lifeless girl and ran into the open to be surrounded by crooked police. Andrew was covered in blood and was holding the armored man's fresh-hole head...and he smiled. The police quickly fired upon Andrew but to no avail as Andrew merely absorbed the bullets. Andrew walked to one cop and as the cop shot clearly in Andrews head, Andrew grabbed the cops head and twisted it a full 360 degrees and let him drop. the other cops stared in horror and began unload all of their ammunition into Andrew. With unrelenting speed, Andrew brought his butterfly out and dashed at all the crooked cops. the cops stopped shooting to examine their wounds but saw that Andrew completely missed all of the cops. they all chuckled and quickly aimed back to Andrew but all heard a small click from Andrew and one by one, each cops hands began falling to the ground. they all screamed in pain and mercy as they all slowly and painfully fell apart from the slick blade Andrew possessed. With dread in his heart and blood lust in his mind, he took the hand of his girl and wished her good ye and good night. and left her body surrounded by the crooked cops that he had killed. Andrew stole the rest of the ammunition from the cops bodies and weapons and stole a cops car and went straight for the city. That night, he had cancelled countless of innocent and crooked lives from the city due to his relentless blood lust. By dawn, he had woken up from his trans and saw the horror he had left to those in the city.

-----End of flashback-----

Clyde let Andrew go and roughly gave Andrew back his knife, "Stupid reason not to kill"


Clyde brought out his straight razor and pressed the blade against his ear and dragged the blade across his neck. Clyde smiled as the blood gushing wound quickly healed itself. "Why are you so worried? I can heal myself, You can mysteriously dodge anything and everything, Jeff, shit he's part cat so he can do anything that bitch ((bitch character named later)) can do, Clint has extraordinary marksmanship, HIM has mumbo, jumbo magic, and ROB CAN SHIT RAINBOWS! SO WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT KILLING US!?"

HIM punched Clyde in the jaw and Clyde flew to the opposite wall. "I'm the guy who makes your suits and I pack quite a punch."

Clyde stumbled up and smiled. "fuck that hurt, anyway, why are you worried of killing us? we can clearly defend ourselves!"

As Clyde said that, the wall exploded from behind them and 8 men with Tommy guns rushed in with guns drawn at the guys and from far behind came a woman that goes by the name. sn0-ball.

Book 1: The OutcastsWhere stories live. Discover now