Troubled Business

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Andrew drove far across the city to find the moles site, a Abandoned Construction site, to be ransacked. Just as Andrew needed. Andrew pulled out his bandanna mask and walked through the scattered muck the mole loved to live in. Andrew stumbled across the hall way he always traveled through to be filled with corpses and near death pigs that begged for help. Leave it to the crooked to beg and the innocent to take their fate. Andrew walked carefully through the trapped riddled Hall way, making sure not to spring a trap. As he was walking, a corpses arm fell over and landed on a pressure plate which triggered a spiked wall to swing at him. Andrew dashed backward and sprung a flame thrower to spit gas on him and a spark to almost ignite him ablaze. Andrew ran through the hallway narrowly dodging the traps set and rolled into The mole's underground "lair".

Andrew took off his coat and tossed it aside and opened the door to find The mole Fighting a pig. Andrew quickly extended his night stick and bashed the pigs head, knocking him out. The mole was Tired, sweating yet happy.

Andrew: "why are you happy, Mole? What did you do to get this much attention?"


Andrew: " Keep yelling and i guess you'll have to stay here where everyone you ripped knows where you are instead of me helping you."

Rob Clutched Andrews Collar and pleaded: "Please get me out of here, It gets so lonely and the flappers ain't helping for shit!"

Andrew Smiled and Guided Sam out of the shit hole of a site and went for the car. As soon as Andrew closed Sam's door, Cars Sped to Andrews Car with out a sign of slowing. Andrew quickly started the cars engine and sped off with the other cars close on their tail.

Andrew: "Who are they and What did you do to rack this much heat?!"

Rob nervously: "W-well... I sorta... Stolen their heist plans and kill a few of them."

Andrew rolled his eyes and floored the gas but the other cars were gaining fast.

Andrew looked back in fear as he saw Sn0 ball in the passenger seat of the gaining vehicle with a bomb in her hand and a twisted smile. Andrew tried to make the car go faster but it could only go so fast. Andrew prepared for the bomb to explode and send the car flipping with Andrew inside gripping death by the hand. He heard a explosion but nothing happened. He looked back and saw Sn0 ball's cars exploding one by one. Andrew swerved to the opposite lane to find Clyde driving a truck with Sam, The Smith and Sage, The Tech throwing bombs at Sn0 ball's cars. Andrew took one last glimpse at Sn0 ball's car before it erupted in a giant ball of flames and flipped to a mangled wreck. 

Andrew floored the brake and Stepped out of the car with Blood red Eyes, staring straight at Clyde. Clyde swerved just in time, not hitting andrew and sped off.

Andrew dashed back into his car and sped after his crew. 

Rob Nervously: "Y-you alright bo-"

Andrew looked at Rob in Such rage and anger that in terrified Rob to be in the same car as Andrew. Andrew followed the truck back to the girl's hide out to greet the Smith and Tech but to kill Clyde.

Book 1: The OutcastsWhere stories live. Discover now