Love is not Love

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Mirabelle placed the last grenade onto the table. Sage hugged Mirabelle and gave her a small kiss. Reanne folded her arms and pouted a child's pout. Sage saw and climbed over the table in front of him and hugged and kissed Reanne. Sage let go of Reanne and walked to the entrance of the room and scanned the room with its hundreds of grenades on tables. Both girls walked to Sage and gentle held his arms. Sage asked if the girls trusted him with their life and they both said yes in unison. Sage smiled and kissed them both. Sage sat the girls down on a stray couch and ran to a hidden cabinet. Sage pushed all the tables of grenades to the walls and set a large grenade in the middle of the room. The girls smiled but asked him for his intentions. Sage smiled and pulled the fuse and the girls screamed and ducked behind pillows and sage pulled the pillows away and whispered "watch." The grenade popped a soft pop and beams of multicolored lights and fog burst from the grenade and small fireworks were being set off. The girls fell giddy of the spectacle and cheered at the sight.

When all was done, Sage asked if they enjoyed it. Both girls looked at each other and smirked. Sage smirked and both girls pushed him gently to his back and dragged their hands down his body. Both girls stripped from their clothes and tore at Sages clothes. Everyone was in heat and the girls wanted control. Sage smiled and let himself be controlled. Sage laughed though because the girls fought for his member. They came to an agreement and Reanne stayed below as Mirabelle sat on Sage's face. 


Ruby stood up and held the solid table in place, her knees buckled and trembled from her "experience" with Sam. Sam was still sleeping on the desk so Ruby kissed Sam's head and slowly made her way out of the room. Ruby gently closed the curtains and silently dragged 2 chain link gates out. She closed the gates and wrapped a heavy chain through both gates and locked the gates with Sam inside the locked off room. Ruby teared up and slowly walked to the exit with her head hanging down.

"So, this is how it is? You leaving me like a dog in a cage?"

Ruby turned to find Sam standing behind the locked gate. Ruby's eyes glazed and she buried her face in her hands. Sam hung his head and smiled. 

"Shoulda just killed me, ya know."

Ruby Shook her head and whispered into the air: "but i love you..."

Sam smiled and stared at Ruby ad asked again: "do you honestly love me?"

Ruby fell to her knees and sobbed and nodded to Sam's question. 

Sam smiled. 

Ruby felt a pair of hands wrap around her warmly, She looked up and saw Sam hugging her. She looked at the gate and nothing was broken, no holes in the walls or fence. Her eyes drifted back to Sam and Sam pointed  behind her and Sam was there. Ruby jumped and walked back to the elevator in shock. There was 5 Sams and they are were exactly alike. Ruby cowered in fear for Sam to hit or kill her but she felt nothing. Ruby looked back up and saw 1 Sam holding his hand out. Ruby flinched at Sam's slight move toward her. Sam knelled down and hugged her tightly. Ruby's tear filled eyes widen and she hugged back. Ruby moved from the hug and gave Sam a kiss. Ruby stared deep into Sams eyes and saw something she's never seen in anyone, nothing. Sam grabbed Ruby's hand and asked: "we can leave, make our own gang, our own family with children a our sides. what do you say love, what do you want to do?"

Ruby's smile softened and kissed Sam again and both rose to their feet. Ruby nodded and both bolted the hide out, stole a gang car and made way with guns, liquor, and money.


Rob had no idea where he was. Emerald was walking him to a secret area of the hideout. Emerald stopped and grabbed Rob by the shoulders.

Emerald: "Do you have the card?"

Rob puzzled: "Uuhhhh yeah? Why? What do you know?"

Emerald smiled and put her hand out and Rob gave her the card. Emerald jumped with joy and kissed him deeply.

Emerald: "Cuz', this here is what Master has been lookin' for!"

Rob tilted his head and asked: "Who's Master?"

Emerald grinned and stared deep into Rob's eyes: "You like what you see?"

Rob smiled but focused on Emeralds eyes and her eyes went from green to black; her eyes started to flash red and her eyes went black. Rob fell to the ground and stared at Emerald in horror. Emerald smiled then her back popped out, revealing a monstrous spine. Emerald's smile turned into bared, raged teeth. Her arms and legs grew longer and arched in a way dogs legs were. Rob crawled to the wall and cowered at emeralds new appearance. Emerald bared her teeth wider and walked on all fours toward Rob. Rob smiled weakly and screamed a blood curdling scream. Emerald pounce on Rob and tore him limb from limb. Blood squirting out from his neck, bones snapping under her powerful jaw.

Soon, the screaming turned to gurgling. Emerald moved back and sat to watch her new work of art. Rob was twisted and mangled. He no longer was Rob just flesh. Emerald slowly turned back to herself and smiled. She wiped blood of her face and skipped down the long tunnel, the chip in hand, and a grin on her face.


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