The Mole, The Smith, and The Tech

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Andrew: "The mole is our info guy. We want a heist? he'll get us the banks guard schedule, vault codes, and Least busiest time of day. So long as he gets a cut of the money, he's fine working with us. Forgot to mention, his name is Rob."

Myst: "Rob huh? Sounds like my girl Emerald's kind of guy." 

Andrew: "Alright, now we got my man the Smith, Crafter of my crews gear. Not much of a fighting type but his gear sure is well crafted. The names Sam."

Myst: "Sam? Damn Typical names."

Andrew: "Don't judge a mans name, look at the personality."

Myst: "Alright, alright, does he know how to enchant his craftsmanship?"

Andrew puzzled: "Uuuhhh... No?"

Myst -face palm-: "God damn idiots, i'll get Ruby to help him with that shit."

Andrew: "Fine by me, if he's happy, i'm happy. Anyways, Least but not the least, got the techy. He's real good with demolitions and such and whatever gadgets we get our mits on, we give to him and he usually gives us something crazy yet awesome. He's abit Coo Coo but he's stable. He goes by the name of Sage. Never knew his real name, i'm sure no one will know.

Myst: "Sage...Hmmm... I don't know if i trust this guy but my only girls are twins.."

Andrew: "oh..fuck..."

Myst worried: "what??"

Andrew: "he...sorta likes twins..."

Myst: "Then it's settled. -gives Andrew a note- Head here for your new hide out, grab all your shit from that run down piece of rubble and get there ASAP. I'll send the last girls down to your new hide out and i'll let my girls stay with your guys... -eye balls all the love going around-...yeeeaaahhh i'll let them stay with you, shit, i'll even leave the truck. Now go and get your shit and head out."

Myst Shot a zip line at the roof top and as soon as she was going to leave, Andrew stopped her. 

Andrew: "C-.. i mean Myst, wait. i wanna say something real quick."

Myst hanging upside down: "hurry u-"

Andrew gave Myst a deep kiss on her lips and pulled off her. 

Andrew: "just wanted to say thank you for saving us last night. and im sorry for leaving you all those years ago.."

Myst blushed and unhooked herself from the wire and let herself down. She walk straight at Andrew and andrew cowered at Myst's hand and she kissed him harder and rougher and longer. The girls wooed at their leader making out with a guy and Myst flicked them off.

Myst pulled back and quickly rehooked herself to the wire. "hey.."

Andrew replied: "yeah?"

Myst: "...Love you to the moon and back..." 

Myst quickly zipped away and dashed across roof tops to get back to her base.

Andrew sighed: "Love you to the stars.."

Book 1: The OutcastsWhere stories live. Discover now