Something Unexpected

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Mike sped off to the destination after we both decided on the new place in town. We finally arrived at Giovanni's Ristorante and the place is packed! They managed to find us a nice private table so we wouldn't be bothered by the noisy crowd. But walking to our table through the crowd was a nightmare. As soon as we sat down we started up the conversation. "So Mike since we didn't get to finish our conversation the other night, can we pick up where we left off?" "Yeah sure!" "So did you recently get transferred to the Nashville Predators?" "Yes, I transferred about 4 months ago, I heard you ended a tour a few months ago, how was it?" His question got me really excited and so I proceeded to tell him with a smile on my face. "It was amazing just like any other tour! I love going on tour, I love seeing all my fans. They mean so much to me, I'm so glad I have them in my life!" As I continued to talk about my tour I got to thinking that the wait for this restaurant was very long and I could tell that Mike was getting upset by the look on his face.

As I continued to talk about my tour the waitress approached our table with a stank look on her face. She took our order with an attitude and I could tell Mike was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. She walked off silence came over us we made awkward small talk for the 45 minutes we waited for our food. The waitress walks up with the same look on her face throwing the food on the table knocking my wine over and food flying all over my dress. Mike stood up and asked the girl what her problem was her response was "You must not remember me!" A confused Mike asked "Who are you?" with a dumbfound look on his face. "Your ex girlfriend of 2 years..." she said while starring me up and down. Mike went on to say "Oh the one that cheated on me repeatedly through the second year of our relationship." An embarrassed Stacey hangs her head low and walks away.  "Come on Carrie lets go!" 

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