I'm not sure

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I'm not sure if I'm good for you now.

You do the things that make you happy but then I pop up and get upset cause its taking your attention.

I've needed more attention from you than I used to.

I've bothered and clinged to you in attempt to get rid of this fear and emptiness.

I guess I didn't realize I felt that til I started writing this.

I'm scared you're gonna lose intrest or that you already have.

I feel empty because I've come to realize I have no one.

I'm scared that you're intrested in all the other girls.

I feel empty because I've come to realize, when you're not around people ask where you are.

I'm scared the other girls have your attention now, and that I'm gone.

I feel empty because I annoy you with my clingyness.

I'm scared and I feel empty because I take away your happiness...

And in all honesty,

Because I'm breaking our relationship.

The Girl Who Loved too Much

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