Christmas part 16

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Katie's POV

I woke up and it was Christmas Eve so we got to open present at my house then I can go to Austin's.

Angela: Kaitlyn get up it's time to open present!

Katie: okay coming

You have no clue how long I have been waiting to here that!

Ethan: Sis! You have to open this one first! "reaches a small presents and Katie rolls her eyes"

Katie: alright " sighs and opens the present " no way!

Ricky: what you get? (Katie's dad)

Katie: it's a iPhone 5s

Angela: yes your brother bought that for you in his own money.

Katie: " runs to Ethan and hugs him '' thank you!

Ethan: no problem.

After I open gifts I put up everything I didn't dislike anything I got it was a pretty good Christmas this year. My dad and brother was in but I had to leave on my dad's birthday which sucks!

"Austin house"

I went up to open the door when Zach runs over me followed by Robert and Alex.

Katie: What happen?

Zach: Cole just farted!

Katie: Then where is Austin?

Alex: He is still asleep.

Katie: Well I'm going inside

Robert: In case you die remember your best friends love you.

Katie: Okay...

When I walked in this random dude probably Cole was in the floor laughing. I went up to Austin's room he wasn't asleep he was doing a austream so I went ahead and walked in.

Austin: If I have any new fans this is my girlfriend Kaitlyn.

Katie: Hey Mahomies "Smiles and waves"

Austin: I guess I better tell you all now instead of tomorrow. So, me and Kaitlyn are going to Miami, Florida to see if I get sign by Republic Records!!!!

Katie: "look at comments" By comments they look pretty excited.

Austin: Aren't you excited to Katie "Looks at Katie with a look only a mother could love"

Katie: Yeah I am excited not because I can go to the beach everyday we are done there but you get to live your dreams!!!

Austin: Yeah what's your dreams Katie?

Katie: My dream is the same as yours but if you get signed I don't wanna be away from you.

Austin: "Looks at comments" Well some of my mahomies wanna hear you sing right?

Katie: "looks at comments" Fine what song guys?

Austin: "Looks at comments" Mmmmhhmmmm looks like they want you to sing my song Say Somethin

Katie: Alright alright I'll sing a little bit of it like the first few lyrics.

Austin: Let's hear it!

Katie: I see you walk by extra fly baby where you gonna can I roll? Beach life feelin right your the hottest everbody knows oh oh. Burning up burning up show 'em what you got yeah you got baby let it show uh ha.

Austin: Well guys what you think?

Katie: "Looks at comments" Wow I didn't know I was that good gosh thanks guys!

Michelle: Austin .. Kaitlyn time to open presents!

Austin: Gotta go mahoimes I love you stay beautiful for me! "Makes a heart and ends ustream"

Katie: I'll beat you down there! "runs downstairs"

I of course did beat Austin downstairs. Robert,Alex,Zach,Cole,Andrew, and Jackie was downstairs.

Katie: Sista!!!!

Jackie: Sista!!! "Hugs"

Robert: You girls are so weird!

Katie: We aren't weird were just a limted edittion!

Zach: She told you.

Michelle: Alright alright let's open our gifts girls first.

Austin: Katie!! Open mine to you first!!!

Katie: Alrighty "Opens box" OMG It's perfect thank you austin!

Michelle: What was it?

Katie: It's a charm bracelet that has a locket on it "Opens shaped heart locket" with our picture in it the day I first met him.

Jackie: Let me see it.

Alex: No you shall open the present I got you first you all can do that later!

Jackie: Fine Constancio "Alex reaches Jackie her present"

Alex: Here

Jackie: "opens presents" OMG How'd you know I like Nike jordans high tops!!!

Alex: Remember when Katie and Austin was in the hospital and you tried ever pair of my shoes saying that you was going to take it?

Jackie: "blushes" Yea...

Alex: Now you have a pair!

Jackie: Thank you my alexo!

Alex: Welcome lil'sleezy!

Robert: Here Kaitlyn this mine and Zach gift to you "Reaches a huge box"

Katie: Gosh that's a big box! "rips wraping paper off" Thanks guys!

Zach: Figure you would want a book self because Austin got you something else!

Austin: Yes I did! "Reaches Kaitlyn another huge box"

Katie: Gosh guys! "open box" OMG it's beat headsets!!

Jackie: GOd dang how many did he get you?

Katie: 20 pairs!!! Austin why do I need 20 pairs of beats?

Austin: To do covers of songs on youtube to for fill your dreams!

Zach: Alright alright let's give Jackie the gift we got her. "reaches Jackie her gift which was in a small box"

Jackie: Thanks..."Opens box" OMG a iPhone 5s!!! thanks guys!!

Michelle: Now the gift I got you girls since the guys already open there " GIves a evil look to all the boys"

Katie: GUYS!!! Why couldn't you wait till me and Jackie got here?

Austin: Well I loved my gift thank you "Kisses Katie on the head"

Katie: Suck up...

Michelle: Here "Reaches Katie and Jackie their gift from michelle"


Jackie: "Opens gift" OMG ME TOO THANKS MICHELLE!!!


Michelle: Your welcome and your boyfriends get to go too.

WOW this has been the best christmas ever!!!

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