Bonus chapter: our little flower

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Years later...

The sun woke the princess's slumber. She woke up with a bright smile on her face. She stretched and stood up. She went to the drawer and took her brush. The princess brushed her long white hair as her blue eyes sparkled. She heard a knock on the door. "Princess Francine? Are you awake, your majesty?" A voice asked. "Yep! I'm awake, Rose" Frans said. "May I come in?" Rose asked. "Of course" Frans answered and opened the door with her blue magic. A cat-like monster in a maid outfit, holding a wooden tray with a teapot and a cup stood on it, stepped inside Frans' room. Rose placed the tray on a coffee table(?) beside the window-terrace. She poured mint tea in the cup and gave it to Frans. Rose opened a door in a room full of colorful gowns, but it was mostly shades of blue. She went inside the room. "I heard your going to visit your mother's parents" Rose said while finding a gown for Frans. Frans took a sip and hummed in response. Soon, Rose came out of the room, holding a long sleeve, lace, sky blue gown. Frans noticed the gown she's supposed to wear and put down her teacup, she face-planted on her queen-sized bed and groaned. "Just like her mom" a voice deep voice chuckled. Both Rose and Frans turned to the door to see a skeleton wearing a crown. Rose bowed to the skeleton while Frans just lazily waved at him. "Good morning, dad" Frans said. "Good morning, King Sans" Rose added as she stood straighter. "Mornin' Frans, Rose" Sans said. Frans stood up. "Dad, what did you mean by 'just like her mom'?" Frans asked curiously. "Rose, find Francine a simpler dress for her to wear" Sans said. Rose bowed slightly and went back inside Frans' 'wardrobe'. "When your mom was about your age, she wasn't that kind of girl you think she is today," Sans started. He sat down on Frans' bed, Frans sat beside her dad. "What do you mean?" Frans asked, more curious. Rose came out of the room again, holding a blue dress with stars. Sans gestured Rose she may go. Rose nodded and went outside Frans' room. "When your mom was younger, she doesn't like wearing fancy gowns. She likes goin' out on adventures. If she never had climbed Mt. Ebott, our kingdom would never be outta hell. And we would never meet and you didn't exist now." Sans continued. He could tell his daughter was so fascinated with Frisk's past adventures. Frans never knew her mom, the Queen Fancesca was so cool. They heard a knock on the door. They turned and saw Frisk in a simple dress. Well, that's the first. Frans thought. "Good morning, Frans and Sans" Frisk said with a warm smile. "Mornin', sweetheart" Sans said. "Good morning mom!" Frans said and hugged her. "Can we go to the woods for an adventure?" Frans asked excitedly as soon as she broke the hug. Sans chuckled. "Of course, dear" Frisk answered calmly. "Aww, but mom--wait, did you just agreed?" Frans asked. Frisk smiled. "Sure, why not? If it makes you happy." Frisk said. "Yay!!" Frans said and punched the air. Sans stood beside Frisk and watched how happy Frans was. "That's our little flower" both Frisk and Sans said.

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