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(author's note: this book series will be very different from the television series)

(author's note: this book series will be very different from the television series)

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"And then all of a sudden, 

She changed.

She came back a completely different person.

With a new mindset, a new outlook,

A new soul.

The girl that once cared way too much

About everyone and everything

No longer cared at all" 

It was exactly how Sapphire pictured Seattle would look like: cold, foggy, and with a slight mist in the air. The drive from the airport showed some forest and deep green trees and land before getting to the cold, gray buildings of the city of Seattle. The flight from Chicago was not terrible, so she wasn't terribly tired when she finally got to Seattle Grace Mercy West.

Grabbing her small duffel, Sapphire headed confidently through the front glass doors of the hospital and to the Chiefs office. The hospital seemed large and very clean, just like most of the American hospitals she's seen.

"Hello, where is the Chiefs office?" Sapphire asked the front desk of nurses.
"Fourth floor, first door across the walkway" a nurse replied, and Sapphire headed into the elevator.

"Sorry to bother you but you look extremely familiar?" A lady of Asian descent and black hair asked. I gave her a half smile, knowing what would be coming next. 
"Dr. Sapphire Beauregard" I introduced, and watched as her face became shocked and lit in amazement.
"Oh my gosh! Your work is phenomenal. I've read all of your articles. And you have two Harper Averys at only 28. Sorry, I'm Dr Cristina Yang, a resident here specializing in cardio, but wow you are an inspiration. It's an honor to meet you" she rambled, shaking my hand enthusiastically.
"Why thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Dr. Yang" I said, and the elevator got to the fourth floor.
"Would it be too weird to get a photo with you?" She asked, and I chuckled shaking my head. I smiled, as she took a selfie, before scurrying off somewhere else excitedly.

"I think that's the happiest I've seen Dr. Yang in a while" a man commented, as I chuckled. "Dr. Beauregard? I'm Dr Webber, Chief of Surgery here. Let me take you on a tour of the hospital before we get to the patient. I'll show you first to the attending lounge where you can drop off your stuff"

I nodded, and followed him around the beautiful surroundings. 

Mark's POV

Word got around quickly here at Seattle Grace Mercy West.

It sent shivers down my back when I heard in the murmurs of the hospital gossip that Dr. Sapphire Beauregard was here, or as Derek and I used to call her "Saph". 

How did I know her?

Oh... yea. 

Saph, Derek and I were best friends throughout middle and high school. Saph skipped a few grades as a kid so she was a few years younger, but just as brilliant as us, maybe even smarter. 

She dated Derek throughout middle and high school, and I loved her. Since the first time I met her, Saph was who I wanted. Even with Addison, she was so similar to Saph it was hard not to make the comparison.

Derek proposed to Saph when they split for college. Saph declined, because she knew it wouldn't work in college. 

She was right. Derek met Addison the first day and started dating soon after.Don't know if he started dating her to get the thoughts of Saph out of his head, but Addison stayed for a while.

"I can't believe I got a photo with her! Dude she's a legend" Yang exclaimed, coming over to Meredith to show. 

"Who?" Meredith asked, looking at the photo.

"Sapphire Beauregard. She's here. I guess working on a case, but she let me take a photo." Christina said, causing Derek and I to look at each other worried.

Meredith and Christina noticed the exchange, and I could see Meredith get a worry frown line on her face.

"You two know her?" Meredith asked.
"Yea...childhood and grade school best friend" Derek said, casually.
"Saph declined his proposal because she was going to college and didn't want to do long distance" I explained, as Derek shot a mean glare at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

To be honest, I was pretty scared to see Sapphire. I had the biggest crush on her as a kid. She was 3 years younger than Derek and I, but she graduated at the same time as us because she was able to skip grades for her brilliance.

But Sapphire was with Derek. The happy "adorable" couple. So I kept my mouth shut about my crush.
That's how I got my reputation, to avoid her I played other women. I guess it stuck through college and "adult" life.
It was hard being Sapphires best friend and being in love with her, when she was dating your other best friend and everyone else wanted her as well.

I could see Derek sigh, and walk off with his patients files. 

Merediths POV

I went after Derek. I needed to know the truth before I met this woman.

"Derek..?" I asked, as I closed the door behind us in the scans room. He sighed looking to face me.
"She was my high school sweetheart. Mark, Saph and I were all best friends. I proposed to her a month after graduation, and she declined because long distance wasn't going to work out for her. It was for the best I guess. I was always intimidated by her, she was always the brilliant one that every guy wanted and every girl wanted to be. But Saph, she was my best friend. And after the proposal, I didn't want to talk to her, I was too hurt. She tried but gave up after a few months. I haven't spoken to her since then" Derek said sadly.

I didn't know what to say. I knew there was a chance that when they saw each other again, they'd fall in love again, but it was too difficult to tell. I'd just have to hope for the best.

I got a page, and had to go run off to my patient, but not before giving Derek a quick kiss goodbye.
After everything with Addison, I didn't want to have to go through another drama whirlwind like that again.

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