Crazy bar

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Zack stumbled through the bushes like a silent tiger. Looking around, seeing trees that were in a strange colour of yellow. The grass became yellow as well and the sky was a light red. It seemed something was going on.

"What the hell!?" Said Zack.

Eventually, He saw a big pink building. There was loud music and lots of flashing lights. Carelessly did he walk on further. It seemed that the building was for little girls as it had rainbows and glitter all over. Baffled, Zack peered through a window. He saw lots of strange users inside. Some with wings, some with tails, some with no legs and even some with no face.

"Part of me wishes I was dreaming..." he muttered.

With nothing else to do, Zack went inside. At this point, everyone looked at him for 3 seconds before going back to their business. Zack saw an empty table and decided to sit there. After 3 minutes of weird awkwardness, a waiter that resembled a spider walked towards him. His eyes were scattered all over his face. The fur, rough and black with red patterns on him. He also had 5 arms. 3 looked like they were torn off. His eyes were a deep orange. The crazy man spider looked at him and sneered.

"What do you want to order?" He asked a bit cautious.

Not many humans were seen in fantasy world. Everyone saw him as an outsider. A stranger. Unwanted... Zack cleared his threat and swallowed his fears. He spoke soothingly.

"W-water? Please? Or maybe milk?" He asked.

The man spider looked puzzled at his response.

"Uhh... we got snake juice, blood pie, exotic butters, pixie eyes, non radioactive rainbow soup and our special tonight is demon fruit cocktail. We also have a menu over there. What do you want?" Asked the man spider.

"Uhh... something that won't kill me?" Replied Zack.

"Sir, if you keep acting like this we will have no choice but to kick you out"

"Sorry. Um... surprise me please"

"Okay. Thank you" said the man spider as he walked off.

Zack sighed and looked at the time. Of course, he couldn't read the time because it looked like a strange form of Egyptian writing. He groaned and looked around. He saw at least 17 different toilets for different users, a DJ playing insanely fast music with only 1 HAND! And a bunch of strange gasses on the floor with a disco dance floor.

Suddenly, Zack saw a girl that was dressed like a fairy being tied up and sent outside. She looked like she was desperate to escape. There were weird users dragging her outside.

"Huh!?" Said Zack as he watched.

Zack looked at the fairy girl and the girl looked at him. She had tears streaming down her face and bruises. Zack quickly ran out the back door after them.

The girl looked at him. There were 4 users started beating her up and knocking her on the floor. Blood poured from her as she got more bruises. Zack growled.

"Hey! Leave her alone you monster!"

He tackled a huge user that looked like a blue mantis.

"Arch! You little piece of filth! You dare mess with us!?"

Zack looked at his cards in his pocket and smirked.

"Heh... want to make a deal?" Said Zack.

"Pff! What deal?" Said one of the users.

"If I win a game of fantasy world, you let her go and never go near her again. But if I lose... I will be your servant for life"

The girl, shocked by what he said, went wide eyed. She couldn't believe his sacrifice. The users all laughed and laughed and laughed their heads off. The blue mantis user got up in his face.

"You wimp, it's a deal! Us 4 against your users! Come at me bro!" He said with a laugh.

Zack got out 4 user cards and looked at them.

"Don't let me down!" He muttered.

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