what each kiss/gesture means

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*A kiss on the stomach- I'm ready

*A kiss on the forehead- I hope we're together forever

*A kiss on the ear- you're my everything

*A kiss on the cheek- we are friends ** (could also mean I like you)

*A kiss on the hand- I adore you

*A kiss on the neck- we belong together

*A kiss on the shoulder- I want you

*A kiss on the lips- I love you

Holding hands-- we definitely like each other

Slap on the butt--that's mine

Holding on tight-- I don't want to let you go

Looking into each others eyes-- I just plain like you

Playing with hair-- tell me you love me

Arms around waist-- I like you to much to let go

Laughing while kissing-- I am completely comfortable with you.

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