1) Structure the task:: Put the largest elements (such as plot structure) first. Once satisfied with those, focus on the details of language (grammer, style, punctuation).
2) Use free tools:: www.hemingwayapp.com is one. Use it to see sentence difficulty ratings and where you can replace awkward words with shorter synonyms.
3) Check tense:: Errors of tense are common amounst new writers. Ursula le Guin's book "Sterring the Craft" has a thorough overview of tense types.
4) Be ruthless:: Don't be afraid to cut parts of your book that aren't working and start afresh. Maybe the cut piece was(is) preparation for something much better.
5) Take a break:: After finishing a draft put your work aside for a day, a week, a month- however long you need to be able to return and edit with fresh eyes.
6) Read aloud:: Read your writing aloud. Hearing the rhythm of words will help you edit for flow. Your ears could help you find errors your eyes miss too!
7) Mix it up:: Reading a text over and over might make your eyes used to seeing an error. Try reading backwards from the last word to the first to pick up hard to spot errors.
8) Change the picture:: Try changing the font and font size in your processor for editing. The altered appearance could help you see the text anew.
Writing Tips
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