Tips To Overcome Writers Block

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1) Write at a different time of the day than you do usually.

2) Make a habit writing EVERY DAY!

3) Set a timer and write in ten or fifteen minute blocks.

4) Exercise before writing to increase blood circulation to the brain.

5) Drink plenty of water and be sure you are not low on iron, as both carry oxygen to the brain.

6) Meditate.

7) Drink a cup of coffee for stimulation.

8) Work from scene or chapter outlines.

9)List characters traits, actions, and lines of dialogue to be expanded on later.

10) Repeat self-affirmations such as "I am a brilliant, creative writer." As many times as possible throughout the day.

11) Read for inspiration.

12) Type a page or an entire scene from a published novel and pay attention to sentence length and density, diction, etc. then write something with similar patterns.

13) Go through your notebook or journal and find an idea to develop.

14) Give in to the avoidance and allow yourself to take a break from writing.

15) Find a "writing partner" and write to share your work.

Mine is my friend and wife BlackWolfHeartnet lol

16) Take a writing class or hire a writing mentor for encouragement and guidance.

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