29 ways to stay creative

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1. Make lists
2. Carry a notebook everywhere (you never know when you might get inspired for a new character, chapter, book, or plot)
3. Try free writing (if you are interested I can start a free writing/writing prompt book where you can get some free writing help)
4. Get away from the computer/social media! (Wattpad doesn't count of course)
5. Quit beating yourself up. (You are talented whether you believe it or not. Think positive and tell yourself that you are great everyday)
6. Take a break
7. Sing in the shower
8. Drink coffee
9. Listen to some new music (some of my chapter titles are song lyrics from the song I listen to while writing, just ask me what song it is if I don't already say what it was)
10. Be open to new things
11. Surround yourself with creative people who will inspire and aspire you
12. Get feedback (don't allow them to tell you it's just good. If they say it's good tell them you're going to delete it then and they will tell you what needs fixed or a part that is fantastic)
13. Collaborate (have you guys checked out my collaboration with my friend Lyndsey? It's called 'I Can Feel It In My Bones') BlackWolfHeartnet
14. Don't give up. Ever!
15. Practice, Practice, Practice! It's the only way you get better.
16. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
17. Go somewhere new. (Then tell me about it)
18. Get lots of rest.
19. Take risks. (Nothing that could potentially kill or harm you though!)
20. Break the rules. (Don't blame me though if you get in trouble lol)
21. Don't force anything. Just let stuff happen. Patience is key.
22. Read a page of the dictionary everyday.
23. Create a framework. (I don't know what this is, so if you do share with us what it is, okay?)
24. Stop trying to be someone else's perfect. (This is so important!)
25. Got an idea? Write it down, even if you don't know what to do with it yet, you might later.
26. Clean your workspace. When your workspace is crowded it feels like your mind is crowded and overwhelmed. So clean it and your mind will also feel cleaner when you start writing
27. Have fun.
28. Finish something that you lost inspiration on.
29. Last, but certainly not least, count your blessings in life.

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