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Olivia was crowded into the wall by Michael the instant the name tumbled from her mouth. His earthy yet sweet scent encircled Liv as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

Instinctively she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer than he already was.  She kept muttering his name as he buried his face into her neck, kissing and sucking at her skin.

"Micheal?" Another shrill voice said over Olivia's soft murmurs. The boy in question froze. Moments later he was across the room, next to a dirt blonde girl. Her eyes should have been beautiful, they were a sea blue, but the look in her eyes twisted her pretty features into plain evil. The girl smirked at Liv like the cat who stole the cream.

The girl stood in her set of underwear, her slender and toned body on full view.

Suki let out a low growl, much like the one from earlier, as the girl began clinging onto Michael like her life depended on it. Calum, just, appeared besides Suki-gripping tightly at her wrist.

Liv stared at them in confusion, refusing to register what She knew was going on.

"M-Michael?" Liv questioned hesitantly. The boy looked up ruefully at her. The girl leaned on Liv's boyfriend, mouthing at the shell of his ear.

"L-Livvy, this isn't-" He started to say, but she didn't let him try to deceive her again. She let her mental guard fall apart and registered what she had refused to register before. Tears began filling her eyes and that made her snap.

"No. No! You said you love me! What - so did you just say that because you knew you'd never see me again?" Liv cried out, stepping forward.

"You lied to me! You know me Michael! That is Not okay! Why? Why did you leave me two years ago? Was it to be with her? You could've just dumped me! Then I wouldn't have wasted two fucking years grieving for us! I... I thought you meant it when you said you loved me!" Olivia yelled, her eyes closing as she let her anger and hurt flood out of her mouth in words.

"You could have just told me if you thought I wasn't good enough for you. Why did you have to be like that? Why did you have to hurt me more by making me think I still had a chance?" She questioned, the tears beginning to freely flow down her cheeks.

"That is not it!" Michael roared and then she was being crushed in his embrace. Olivia was wrapped in warmth, she melted into his hug for a moment, still crying, before she caught herself, 'he doesn't want me anymore'.

'He'd moved on.'

Olivia started pushing at him, trying to make him let go. He grunted in response, though refusing to do so.

"STOP IT! You don't love me anymore! Let go!" but Olivia's shouts just caused him to cling on tighter. In her anger she whispered the three words that some deep part of her hoped would hurt Michael the most. The way Michael leaving made her feel.

"I hate you." She sobbed out to him. He let go of her in his shock.

Liv took that opportunity to run.


Michael fell to his knees sobbing the moment his mate left.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Suki hissed out. She was talking to Michael, though she was glaring at Paige, that whore who was just standing by the doorway smirking like she had won a prize after having made Olivia run out. She looked so proud of herself.

"You didn't tell her she was your mate, did you?" Suki asked, softer this time. The bleach blonde boy just sobbed in his, now, curled-up position, muttering a cycle of : "My mate...", "Don't go...", "I love you..." and "What have I done?"

"You can fix this you know." The Asian girl told him. The boy stopped muttering and growled at her. Suki met his blood red eyes for a moment, hers chocolatey and soft, before turning back to glare at Paige, "just dump the whore and tell Liv you love her. Being with this dirty thing is like chucking a diamond away for pebbles, and whilst I'm using this metaphor for Paige let me just add that she is a well used pebble and I'd hate to even consider where she has been." Suki told Michael glaring at the said whore.

The little attention whore just laughed, a sound that surely made  anyone in hearing range want to gouge out their eyes and thrust it into their ears, well that's what Suki wanted to do mind you.

"Me? If Michael had to choose between me and that girl again he'd choose me because I'm the diamond, you little bitch." Paige sneered, dropping her arms to her side as though to prove her point.

"Are you trying to offend me? 'Cos I don't think it's working. Though you have a fair point, if you rub a rock long and hard enough you can make it shine to look like a diamond, but it won't be the same, because one wasn't made that way naturally." The Asian girl smiled.

"Suki, you should go. You've caused enough trouble already." Calum urged, when he realised things weren't going to end well. Suki hummed, but ignored her brother.

"See Michael, this is why I left your pack-don't get me wrong you're a great Alpha and all that, but this whore is like rust on your armour, if you don't get rid of it it'll spread and ruin everything, and when it comes time to fight, the armour will only be a holdback rather than an advantage. You know this." Kate said in a completely serious tone.

"Rust? I'm the polish! The ex was the rust! Trying to keep him away from training to be undefeatable." The blond snapped.

"See, you're too blonde to realise she was worth it! No, she is more than worth it, no pack is complete if the alpha is mated." Kate smirked, raising a brow in the process.

"Dude, I'm worth it! Do you know how many guys would line up just for a single date with me?" The blonde giggled.

"Yeah, I wonder how many guys would have not fucked you on it though. See, that's another reason you should go back to Liv, Michael. That whore is like a doorknob everyone get a turn, whilst Livvy is like a casino, only the lucky ones get a jackpot."

Paige never was very patient so it was no surprise when she lunged for Suki. In a split second Niall had appeared and Paige was on the floor screaming with three cuts across her face as Niall's nails retracted. The Irish boy picked up Suki.

"No! NO! I haven't hurt her yet! AN EYE FOR AN EYE!" The girl whined as she flailed around slightly in Niall's arms. The boy shushed her before turning to the other, grieving, Alpha,

"As annoying and harsh as Suki was in her means of insisting, she has a point." Then they disappeared back through the door

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