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"Shit!" Liv hissed as she pulled herself into a sitting position.

"Are you alright, Liv?" Suki smiles down at me in her pyjamas.

"Why are you in my room?"

"You were yelling, are you okay?"

"I guess so... I feel like I have a migraine, and I had the weirdest dream ever. You were, like, talking about mythical creatures and how someone was a witch and then you glared at me and then I woke up... Weird, huh?" Liv explained to her. In response, the Asian girl laughed, "Your dreams are weirder than mine!" Liv smiled at her response, relaxing slightly - she hadn't even realised how tensed she was.

"So, are you coming school today?" She questioned. Liv felt her eyes widen in horror. Suki smiled, "Don't worry! You don't have to - you should but the jobs in RahsiaVille don't really care that much about your grade. Oh, but I have somewhere to go today... But I've got some people to look after you today!" She smiles and then, if I am not mistaken, shouts out,

"Larry!" Immediately Louis and Harry tumble in yelping a 'yes'. Suki just smiled, used to how nosy the two could be and left giving Liv a little wave first.


The scent of Wolfbane laced with hatred was overwhelming, curling around Suki and slowly drowning her in it. She let out an involuntary low growl, her body tensed and ready for a fight. She hated coming here. it made her tense and angry. Even the thought of having to be here made her snappy at her pack.

"Hurry up, I know you know I'm here. Don't make me suffer these disgusting scents."

"Omega." A harsh voice hissed in disgust. Suki pouted turning her head to the side tilting it as though mocking submissiveness. A smirk spread on her face when she saw Kenneth standing on the porch next to her.

"Kenneth, don't say it like a bad thing." She replied. The man ignored her comment, baring an icy glare at her, "What do you want?" He hissed.

"You see, there's a mishap. Why is my alpha with Paige?" she hissed, the taunting smile still there on her face but she could feel her eyes flare red.

"I thought you washed your hands from Michael's pack." He snapped.

"Pack isn't like a human's family, you can't just legally change your name or some shit like that and be done with. Once you're in a pack you can never really leave it, anyways I would more like to say that he doesn't have any control over me now-a-days as I'm mated rather than having left my pack. You of all people should know this." Suki snarled, her head tilting forward slightly her brows raised in a patronising way.

Kenneth took a step back.

"What do you expect me to do now then?" He replied, trying in vain to keep his voice steady, but she could smell the fear radiating from him, an odour that could not escape her, it was foul and sour and spikey.

"You see, I- no - we have a deal to propose." She paused, straightening back up and regaining her composure as the agitation slipping away - she was actually quite excited, "Liam?" she said, calming her voice. Liam stepped out of the forest and stood by her side. Ken narrowed his eyes.

"My proposal is simple and fair - mind you they always are." She smiled, "I understand why this revolting thing is occurring between Paige and my alpha but I'd rather have another way of keeping peace between us."

"Go on." He replied, his eyes narrowed.

"Liam, here, unlike my alpha, has not as of yet found his mate and therefore it's unlikely he'll ever manage it since it's so late and he is a beta so - here's the good bit -instead of someone who is already mated, why not take someone who isn't?" Suki explained, in a mildly patronising manner, as though talking to a little kid, because she was just so so done with Paige.

"Mated?" He asked, as though tasting it in his mouth, unsure whether he liked it or not.

"A mate is like your other half, your true love. A soulmate. Your... Your... I can't explain it, it's an inhuman concept. It's like marriage and the honey moon stage but that stage of true love never ends, not even death could break it apart. It's beautiful and scary and perfect. I'm sure you've been told this. Or have you just tried to forget- I'm sure no human likes to think about heat and rut." Suki smiled.

"Who is this person?" He questioned, his brows bunching together as though Michael's mate would have an effect on his opinion.

"A friend of mine." Suki snapped, quickly.

"So, I should end Paige and Michael's relationship and use Liam to keep the bond?" He questioned she shrugged, leaning slightly on Liam, "You are the leader of your merry band of supernatural law keepers, are you not?." she replied.

Ken's eyes narrowed.

"And if I chose against the idea?" Suki smiled at him in response, her fangs in full view as she began stalking towards Ken, her manner was light and graceful as though she was just walking up for a hug, her glowing red eyes and sharp white fangs seeming out of place on her happy features. She slowly backed him up against the house before she smashed her fist into the side of it.

"Omegas are not as weak as people like to say. Moreover, wolvesbane and silver just makes a bullet more painful for an omega. It is very unlikely that it will kill us, unless your aim is hella good and even then, I'm sure I can take down most of you before I die. I'm sure my mate would take great joy in finishing the rest of you off in revenge." Suki smirked as he trembled in fear, she pulled hand back out from the splintered wood, petting his cheek twice mockingly.

"O-okay." He nodded, still trying to act tough. Suki smiled at him, this time less patronisingly and more genuinely. She stared at him for a few moments longer before stepping back.

There was a oud noise as someone stormed down the stairs inside and a clatter of metal before the front door was thrown open.

"What is all this ruckus?" A boy hissed, the wooden door frame, focused everyone's eyes towards the boy. A handsome tanned boy with a raven coloured quiff dressed in a pair of black jeans, a bandT-shirt and a leather jacket stood there, the black ink contrasted his tanned skin nicely. A growl sounded from behing Suki

There was a pause before Liam lunged for him.

"Oh, I guess Liam did find his mate."

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