
36 1 5

Olivia awoke in the middle of the night to yelling.

Or maybe she'd had too much sleep already today, she considered. How much sleep can a person get per day? Maybe she's slept more than a third of her life away already! The horror! Then she could never sleep again! N-

A load growl interrupted her barely logical sleep induced thoughts, shaking her to the core.

Trembling in fear she climbed cautiously out of my bed, trying to be quiet before stumbling tiredly over to the door, she opened it oh-so-slightly so that she would be able to hear the conversation in case she needed to shut her doo quickly.

"This is my territory." A male voice growled.

"She's my mate!" Another male voice, that was oh-so familiar, hissed in response.


Olivia edged the door open more so that she could see what was going on. All of her roommates and Niall and Michael and Paige stood in the living room, Niall stood in his boxers blocking Michael from the bedrooms Suki stood besides him, Niall was angled in such a way that Suki was slightly behind him, looking half asleep only wearing Niall's Band shirt, her undies slightly in view - Liv thought she saw something moving in the back of the shirt like a snake but she marked it up as one of her sleep hallucinations. Dakayla stood half outside of her room in a band shirt and shorts. It was the first time she had ever seen ever of them without hats on and their hair was a mess-they both had two giant pointy lumps at the top. Grace was plopped on the sofa, her legs crossed in a romper type onsie. Michael and Paige on the other hand were fully dressed, Michael wearing a plaid shirt over a white tank top and black skinny jeans with black combat boots on, Paige was wearing tight white pants and a white Hollister top and heels.

"Michael, you can't do this to me!" Paige's disgusting laugh rang out as she gripped onto his plaid shirt, She was talking to Michael's back and her nervousness and uncertainty was so obvious that Liv was slightly taken aback.

"You shut up Paige!" Kate rolled her eyes, which were still not fully opened in her tiredness, jabbing a finger at her shoulder before promptly pushing her backwards and away from her and the others.

"How the heck did you even get in here?" Dakayla questioned, her voice sleepy and soft. She scratched at her head the two lumps moving in physics defying ways.

"I let Michael in and she came in herself." Grace shrugged leaning so that she was facing Dakayla directly, she had snacks and the remote spread out next to her on the sofa, and a glass of something dark on the coffee table,  so it was easy to presume that she had been up binge watching.

"Michael, c'mon! You can't leave me! You can't!" Paige carried on begging shamelessly, clinging onto Michael. "Kenneth said I was no longer needed for this 'bond-truce' thing anymore." Michael replied simply, shrugging  her off and flicking his fringe to the side

"No! NO!" The bitch screeches, a gesture that was meant to be combing through her hair ending in her tugging hard at her hair as she glared at the floor, her eyes looked like a maniac's but the pupils kept moving slightly as though she was thinking- no calculating.

"Yes, actually. Liam has been offered instead." Suki looked ever so proud of herself.

"You shut-up!" Paige yells raising her hand as though to slap Suki, before she could, though, Niall was grabbing her wrist. There was a loud and gruesome crack. Paige screamed, and lord did she scream bloody fricking murder. Niall's hand was still grabbing onto her wrist, his nails had lengthened and they were digging into her flesh, blood dripping around the two's skin and down their arms.

"You are trespassing and threatening my mate." Niall hisses, his voice lowered. He yanks her after him and there is a loud slap before the front door opens and slams shut again.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Grace comments taking a sip of this thick dark liquid inside a wine glass.

"Mofo pissed off my mate." Suki laughed, fondly, though still sounding sleepy and sluggish.

Michael just whines and sniffs the air, then he turns to face Olivia's mostly open door, his eyes flashing the same shade of red as Niall and Suki's. He was about to head her way before Suki put a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head slightly in response. Liv closed her room door and pressed her back up against it. She took a deep breath. There was a thump noise and a whimper on the other side.

Olivia paused and collected herself for a moment before opening it once more, to see Michael near her door on his knees.

Michael looked up at Liv, his eyes shiny from tears,

"Livvy." He breathed, looking at her eagerly. She turned and looked over at Suki  who was nodding vigorously at her as Niall led her back to their room. Olivia turned her head so she wouldn't have to look directly at anyone.

Michael scramled to his feet and tried to wrap his arm around her, but she pressed a hand onto his chest, "Please, please don't..." she whispered, trying to move away from him, but Michael kept a tight grip on her.

"Liv, Please-" Michael says- reaching for her once more. She hadn't even realised that her eyes were watering until the tears started running down her face uncontrollably, she let out a sob and Michael froze in response.

"Michael- stop! Stop trying to get me back, you left me yourself! I didn't make you; you didn't have to leave; you didn't have to dump me! You made those choises. You descided to leave me then you chose another girl. I don't like her, but if it makes you happy then commit to her. Don't let me get in the way of your happiness! She's in pain why don't you go to her? Don't use me as an excuse to be sad and unhappy!" Liv cried out, trying again to pull away.

"No, Liv-That isn't how it is!" Michael insisted, shaking his head vigorously as though he could shake away the reality of the situation. Olivia ran into her room again, locking the door. Moments later the door began shaking, the handle rattling loudly. Michael whined wordlessly from the other side of the door, scratching at it.

"Livvy..." He'd murmur every now and again. He whimpered like a hurt puppy each time she refused to answer, before carrying on his whining. Olivia crawled under my covers, fighting the urge to fling the door open and yank him in with her. The boy kept whining until she fell asleep.



Also, guys please feel free to comment and tell me about spelling mistakes and plot holes so I can fix them ;D I would love to hear from you guys, I'm currently trying to rewrite this story in a way that it seems less cringey than the original version so I won't try to run away from it (I know I be failing but what evs) I hope you guys are enjoying it so far <3

~iammyown_kt xx

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