Catch Me "IF" You Can

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"Everyone has an option whenever they're in deeper trouble than what they would have ever thought about. You can either face the truth, or flee. You know what they say, 'you can run, but you can't hide'." -Yamesia

"Haha! Mr. Stewart, you're so funny sometimes, I swear." Shelton says to Malcolm while giggling.  

He smiles and begins to deal the Uno cards again, throwing them around in his hands as he differentiates each of the cards.  He had been home for two days, and Paris had yet to speak to him on her own terms.

He realized the hurt she held in her heart for what he had done, and was in the process of splitting up.  She could no longer stand the infinity of his lies and torture.  He was making their marriage and life living under one roof a living hell.

"When's ma' coming home?" Latavia asks, watching her dad pass out the cards to her and Shelton.  "I miss her." She pouts, her bottom lip poking out.

Malcolm sighs and reads the time on the kitchen clock.  It read seven forty-five.  Paris had gone out to a dinner party with Malaysia around six o'clock sharp, and promised to return by eight.  She failed to send a text message to Malcolm, but in all honesty, he knew in his heart and mind that she wanted no parts in doing that at all.

Malcolm was going to try his hardest at winning Paris's love back, for she made things more than clear the other night once he returned home from his brief Los Angeles business trip.

Entering inside his home, Malcolm shuts the double doors to the house behind him slowly, just so the loud thundering thud wouldn't awake his sleeping children and wife.

He knew he'd be in for one crazy rude awakening after coming home.  To avoid it at all costs, he decides to take a late night private flight back home.  He spent the entire day to himself, replaying the icy cold conversation between him and Paris in the back of his mind.

Looking around his home, he heads down the hallway leading towards the dining room and living room entrance, walking past both rooms and stopping in front of the door of the room he and Paris shares.

The house was still in tip top shape, clean and smelled of the precious pre-lit pecan coconut candle that Paris and Latavia took favor to so much.

Turning the knob slowly, he opens the door, steps inside, and slightly shuts the door back behind him.

Seeing Paris lying up, earphones pressed inside her ears, the lit screen from her cellphone pointed directly in her face, Malcolm could tell she was watching something interesting on her phone by the focus of her face.

Looking up from her screen, they both lock eyes together for a moment.  A quiet silence between the two-- an awkward silence more likely.

"Hey Malcolm." She finally greets him once he starts to make a move towards their gigantic closet.

"Hey." He dryly responds, placing his dirty clothing into the clothes basket inside their walk-in closet.

Paris chuckles lowly to herself, setting her phone and earphones down on the nightstand next to their bed. She notices the time to be three am, and that made her laugh even more. She knew the main reason why he had changed his normal time of departure from Los Angeles back to Redwood.

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