Foundation of Destruction

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"It's in those moments where your adrenaline is rushing, heart racing, mind is blowing and going with the winds against the air resistance... but it's not until after the damage is done that you realize what you've done." -Yamesia

Black pants, black boots, a matching ski mask, and a disguised car are all the recipes to Malcolm's hideaway. It's the night of torture he's been planning for quite some time, and the execution must be carried out affirmatively and perfectly.

"Hello?" He asks as he answers the phone.

"You ready?" Chase asks from the other end. "You've never done this before, or anything like it, so I'm just tryna make sure you know what you're doin' young blood."

Malcolm sighs in frustration, running hand down his sweaty face. His palms were rushing and pumping of blood, and of course his mind was on one side of town, and the other was stuck at home.

He had never had to kidnap anyone before in his life, but in his mind, when danger is upon his family and riches, anything can be done to stop it with no amount of hesitation.

"I'm doin' this for my family, aight? That's what I need for you to understand, and that bonehead ass nigga Titon."

"Aye, we just makin' sure. You know you could have had us get some people up there to actually do the shit."

Malcolm chuckles sarcastically, shutting the backdoor to the house behind him. "You think I'm stupid, Chase? They're fuckin' hitmen, not specialized kidnappers."

"It was a slight suggestion. But..." Chase trails off, sighing softly. "I guess so. See ya' later on then, son."

Malcolm hangs up his phone and sticks it in his back pocket. He had no time to waste, for Danielle would have to disappear and be long gone out of the state of Georgia within the next forty minutes.

She had become a terrible nuisance and he wanted her to be stopped-- more like needed to be precisely correct.

Heading to his rental truck parked on the outside of the gate, Malcolm punches in the security code to their front gate and exits quickly, closing the gate behind him with the formal security code.

Jumping into the truck, he starts it up and heads over to Danielle's apartment on the far side of town. The night would precisely and quickly go as planned, but he knew there would be problems.

Danielle knew when things went wrong around her, and she'd always put up a vicious fight if presumed necessary. Being that Malcolm was going to have his way and get her to come with him calmly, there needed to be no single amount of altercation between the two.

Paris was unaware of her husband's current doings, being in that early stage of pregnancy, one of the comings include that of the need for excess sleep. When Paris slept, it was as if she were going into hibernation for the winter.

Malcolm wanted to leave no trace, but he insisted on leaving a note-- compliments of his best friend, Chase.

He was becoming a man people were going to despise in the near future, but he needed to make sure Danielle would never see his face and be able to tell policemen exactly who had done their no good deed to her.

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