Two Worlds Apart

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"Even though it's all over-- the pain, the hurt, and the deceit I put you and my family through-- I'll always be there for you, y'all, any and every time you need me." -Malcolm Stewart

Six months later...

"Your son's a dirty son-of-a-bitch who deserves to have the spine kicked out of his back." Paris says, her voice full of hatred and pure evilness.

Meredith shakes her head as she continues to run circles around Paris's stomach, listening to her soon-to-be ex daughter-in-law complain about her son-- her own flesh and blood that she brought into the world.

Over the last six months, Malcolm and Paris have been in the process of getting past the separation and heading on for a divorce. She knew after his confession she would never be able to trust him ever again, and she was proved right.

On the night that Damien disappeared after leaving DJ at their house, she went searching for him... and when she located his whereabouts, she wished for the life of her, her unborn child, her kids, and her marriage that she had not witnessed what was standing before her eyes.

"It's okay to feel the way you do. I'm pissed myself about it, and Eric is as well. We're too old for this shit, but life's issues just don't stop coming. I love you, my grandkids, my own fucked up kids, and I'll support each and every one of you the way you all need me to. How is your aunt feeling about this?" Meredith asks Paris, placing a warm cloth over her forehead as she reclined back onto the comfy couch.

Paris closes her eyes, placing her hand over her stomach. She was eight months pregnant and was ready to give birth at any time. Over three months ago her and Malcolm found out that they were having a boy, and quickly thought up some names that they loved and those they knew their son would love as well.

"She's uhh... she's iffy about it all. She doesn't want us to get a divorce, being that by the law of God we're technically still married for life. I wanted to work it all out, which is why I suggested we go see doctor Fisher more, but he said 'why go see her when the whole reason for getting a marriage counselor was so we could stay together? In my opinion, we don't even need to keep goin' forward with this'. And I just shrugged my shoulders. He's proved to me more and more why this is going to be better for the both of us. We may be tied together for another eighteen years, but him being a dad and starting this baby process all over again is all that we both need to be worried about."

Meredith nods her head, massaging Paris's hand. "I hear you on that one. There were times where I even suggested divorce. And you wanna know what that man said to me?"

"What did he say, ma?" Paris asks.

"He said..." She starts, taking in a deep breath and releasing it into the air. "That if he were considering divorce then he would have never married me so long ago. Back when we did get married, marriage was never in the question for anyone at the time. When we did it, we decided to wait a few years before having David."


"We wanted to make sure that we were ready for marriage. You know, trying something long term. We dated for only a year before deciding that it'd be a great idea to spend the rest of our lives with each other. And even during that time I was having difficulties deciding if I was even ready for such a long, possible disastrous commitment. Not to mention that our parents were more than encouraging with the decision we made. It was the seventies, and just getting out of the scene where you only dated to get married was a bit rough for a lot of people."

"But, look at y'all now. Married for forty plus years. And Eric is a good man, and I love him more than anything. He's like a serious father figure for me since mines refuse to even be one..." Paris confides in Meredith, shaking her head up to the ceiling. The tears were threatening to fall and she couldn't hold them in.

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