Chapter 12 - New Year's

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Bri's POV

It was New Year's Eve and I was at the One Direction house partying. There were so many people and I was having a blast.

There was pizza, snacks, cake, cupcakes, and a bunch of other foods.

It was around 11:30PM and everyone was dancing to the blaring music.

I was constantly meeting new celebrities that I never thought I would meet. Harry was dragging me from person to person and it felt like it never ended.

I really didn't mind meeting everyone, but I was getting very anxious since there was less than 30 minutes until the new year.

Harry was dragging me to another person since we had just finished talking to Ke$ha. I wasn't really paying attention, because I was thinking of where Ciara would be since Ke$ha is her favorite. I definitely would have introduced them to each other.

My thoughts vanished when I saw the new celebrity standing in front of my with a cheeky smile in his face.

Someone not only I never thought I would meet, but someone I've been dying to meet for years.

The person standing in front of me was Ed Sheeran. I was stunned.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing quite came out.

"Hi I'm Ed," he said putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"I'm Bri. Nice to meet you!" I said shaking his hand.

We talked with him for about 20 minutes until there were less than 5 minutes until the new year.

Harry dragged me into his room upstairs and we sat down and relaxed on his bed. My heart was racing.

I had never been to such a party. I've been to a few New Year's parties, but never had a kiss at the 12:00 mark.

I felt my first New Year's kiss coming tonight though.

I started getting nervous even though I had kissed Harry so many times. We stood up and walked over to the middle of his room where there was a big empty space.

We slow dances to non-existent music for a minute. Then, we heard people counting down.

My heart raced and I knew he felt it.









I felt like my legs we're numb. I don't think I was breathing.

Harry was cupping my face and we were staring each other in the eyes. Oh, how his eyes sparkled even in the little light we had in the room. His eyes were gorgeous and captivating. You get lost in them if you look in them for too long.


I was getting so excited. I felt my heart pumping faster and my entire body felt numb. This was a different feeling. It was a feeling when I knew that something amazing was about to happen.

Harry's POV

We stood there waiting for the new year to come. Everyone was counting down.

We were staring at each others eyes, getting lost in them. I could feel her heart racing a mile a minute. I was excited, she was excited.

I cupped her face and waiting for that long awaited last number to be called out by everyone downstairs.


I crashed my lips onto hers. It was the best feeling. I don't think I've ever felt a kiss such like this one before. It was special.

We kissed a bit more until I finally pulled away and brought her back downstairs. I felt pretty good.

I found Ciara as soon as we got downstairs and made Bri go introduce her to Ke$ha because I knew she wanted to do that earlier.

While Bri did that, I went and found Louis and talked to him until Bri came back.

We danced a bit more and ate even more, but before we knew it, the party was over and everyone was leaving. We said goodbye to everyone we could and then cleaned up a little.

Everyone was gone and we were exhausted, so we went upstairs and change into our pajamas before going to sleep.

It had been such a great day. I loved spending time with Bri and it was fun introducing her to friends. I knew she enjoyed it too. She was exactly what I was looking for in a girl, outgoing and not afraid to party a little.

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