Chapter 14 - My State of Friends

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Bri's POV

"Hello?" I heard the voice from the other line say.

I felt my mouth instantly drop.

It wasn't the voice I was expecting. I tried and tried to figure out how this would have happened without me knowing. How could I possibly be so stupid?

It should have been Tyler's voice. I would have even been okay with hearing Joey's voice. The voice I heard was a voice I hear almost everyday. One of the voices I am most familiar with.

"Zayn?" I asked confused.

I definitely would have heard the door open if Ciara was there. We would have seen her car too.

"Yeah. Did you guys leave?" he asked calmly.

"Yeah, we're at my and Ciara's house. Tell her not to leave. We'll be back in a few minutes," I said before ending the call.

I ran into my room and changed before running out to the car with Harry.

"We need to go back to your house. She's there with Zayn," I said as we pulled out of the driveway.

"Why do you sound so worried? It's only Zayn," Harry answered.

"I just need to talk to her. This needs to be settled and I can't lose my best friend," I cried out.

The rest of the ride was quiet. It felt like it took forever to go by.

When he pulled up to the driveway and parked the car, I immediately jumped out of the car and ran into the house.

Figuring that she was still with Zayn, I ran upstairs and to his room.

No one was in there. Where could they be?

"Ciara?" I yelled out desperately.

No answer.

"Ciara?" I yelled a bit louder.

"She's down here!" I heard Zayn's voice come from the movie theater.

That's why I didn't know she was here. She probably came in through the garage last night and stayed in the theater.

I ran back down the stairs and down the hall. I kept running until I got to the theater.

I finally saw my best friend. It felt like it had been ages since I saw her.

"Ciara!" I said so excitedly.

I ran over and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I should have come home and hung out with you more. I should have called and texted you. I-"

"Calm down, Bri. No one can understand what you're saying," Zayn said laughing a little.

"Please forgive me Ciara," I begged.

She stared at me uneasily. I lost all hope.

We never were going to be friends again. I knew it.

But that's not what she thought.

She started laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" she said dying of laughter.

"Wait, you're not mad?" I asked very confused at this point.

"No... Well yes, but no. I'm mad that you're never home, but at least I still have contact with you. And it's your life. I'm not the one telling you where to go or what to do, as long as you're happy. You seem really happy with Harry and I don't want to ruin that for you," she said a lot more calm than a few seconds ago.

Right on cue, Harry walked through the doors and joined us.

"Alright now that this war is over, who wants to watch a movie?" Harry asked in a happy tone.

"If you guys want to then yeah, let's watch one," she said sitting down at a couch with Zayn.

Harry went into the movie room and put a movie on before coming back and sitting on our usual couch with me.

"Hey, I heard what Ciara said and I wanted to tell you that I'm happy with you too. Thanks for making me happy," he whispered into my ear.

He cuddled me closer and pulled a blanket over us.

My life was back into it's place and everything felt like it was getting better.

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