Chapter 17 - It's Going To Be Okay

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Harry's POV

I've been sitting in the same chair for 4 days. Every second I'm sitting here makes me more and more anxious. I want her to wake up so badly. I've gotten a total of maybe 6 hours of sleep since this has happened.

The doctors said it was just a light coma and she should wake anywhere within a few hours to about a week. There's no sign of her waking or even opening her eyes.

Ciara has been out of work the past few days, spending most of her time at the hospital with me and waiting anxiously along with me for the awakening of her best friend. We aren't allowed to stay at night, so they make us leave by 6. We took Alfie to mine and the boys' house so that he can be with people most of the day and so Ciara doesn't have to be home alone while we wait until 9 AM to go see her. The nurse had told us the same thing the past 4 mornings, that she still isn't awake and there's no sign of her waking yet.

It's hard seeing the person you fell in love with just laying limply in a bed for 5 days straight. I want to hold her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her, but all I can really do is stroke her hair and talk to her, unsure if she can hear me. I need to hear her voice again and be able to talk to her with an answer. My one wish is for her to wake up. It doesn't have to be today, it doesn't have to be tomorrow, I just want her to wake up and everything to be back to normal.

Ciara's POV

Things have been hard. It's a little better since I have the boys to keep me company at night, but sleep doesn't usually come to me. Harry and I stare at the phone, waiting to see if it will ring and her to wake up.

We've been sitting in the same hospital room from the second visiting hours begin to the second visiting hours end. There has been nothing from her, no movement, no coughs, nothing.

Bri's parents, who I am very close with and have been for many years, have been calling everyday, checking up and seeing how she is doing. It's hard to keep giving them the same answer everyday since I know they are very upset about the situation and I had to convince them come out here. As much as it would've been less stressful with them here, we are both adults and can handle it ourselves. If it were more serious, I would have had them flown out as soon as possible, but they know that Bri is in good hands and we can deal with it.

We have had so much support the past few days, not only from our families, but also from work and many of our friends. Both my boss and Bri's boss understand the situation completely and are giving us as much time as we need. Bri doesn't work as often as I do, so it doesn't affect her as mich as it does to me. Sometimes when we are sitting around I go on my laptop that I use for work and respond to a few e-mails or check on the lastest appointments made for whoever is filling in for me.

I've never seen Harry cry before. The agony of sitting here waiting, not knowing when she will wake up has really taken a toll on him. He's really doing a goood job handling it though. I looked over at him from my chair in Bri's room and saw him crying.

"It's going to be okay, Harry, you know that, right?" I spoke up after I had manged to make myself cry from watching him.

"Yeah, I do. I just really can't stand waiting. It's so hard to see her like this," he said and started crying a little harder and sobbing.

I stood up and walked over to where he was on the other side of her bed. He stood up immediately as I got over to him and enveloped me in a hug that I might add was a bit too tight, but I understood that it was because he was upset.

"I know, I know, but before you know it, she will be awake and this will all be over. We just need to be patient, okay? I promise, it's going to be okay," I said as I gently rubbed his back to soothe him.

His slight sobs slowly came to a stop and he stopped crying. When he was okay he finally let go of me and gave me a slight smile.

"Thank you," Harry said sitting back down in his chair.

"Not a problem at all," I said as I walked back over to where my chair was.

The best thing out of all of this entire thing is the amount of fans pouring out thier love and support to us. Obviously it's pointed at Bri's recovery, but it's been helping, not only us, but Bri's parents get through this. Although we know Bri is okay, we are so blessed to have so much love sent to us by the boys' fans. The fans are the ones pulling us together and keeping us from not completely losing it. I love them for that and I, along with many others, wish I could thank all of them for that.

As I sat back down in my chair, I pulled out my personal laptop and went on Twitter. I scrolled through some of my mentions, which were mostly all about Bri saying stuff like "stay strong" or "you are in our prayers". There were even a few trends- #staystrongbri, #getwellsoonbri. I favorited most of them, replied to a few here and there, followed a few that had tweeted multiple times. I decided to send out a tweet:

Thank you for all the kind messages, you guys are so sweet. Love you all. Also, directioners are the best! xx

Bri's POV

I can hear every word they say. I want to answer them back so badly. They know that I can hear them. They tell me they know. I've heard about the kind tweets from fans and got to hear what some of them said. My parents also called and it was so nice to hear my family's voices. I want to wake up. I've been trying so hard to but nothing works. I have heard Harry cry, I've heard Ciara comfort him, I've heard just about everything that has been going on and I know I'm okay. I'm just in a coma and can wake up whenever. I just really wish I would wake up soon...


I'm not quite sure how this chapter sounds or if it flows, but I've been so busy that I had to write this at random times over the past few months. I hopefully will have a new chapter out by the end of the month. There also might be some new characters coming up soon! Hope everyone's summer is going well!

xx -C

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