Chapter 15 - Moments

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Harry's POV

It felt like we had been together for an eternity, but it's only been 6 months. We were happy together and everyone could tell.

She had slept at her house last night and I felt the need to call her the second I woke up. I wasn't going to not call her, so I grabbed my phone from the table next to my bed.

I dialed her number as quick as I could and waited for her to answer.

"Good morning," she said sleepily.

"Good morning, babe! Happy 6 month," I said back with my voice a little raspy.

"Oh yeah, happy 6 month!"

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked her thinking she would want to go on a car ride somewhere we haven't been yet.

"I don't know. I kinda want to stay in today," she said a uncomfortably.

"You do?" I asked a bit confused.

"Harry," Bri said annoyed.


"You know what I mean, right?" she asked me like I was stupid.

"No, just tell me," I said to her starting to get annoyed also.

After a few seconds of silence I realized what she meant.

"Oh, that time of the month, huh?" I said chuckling under my breath.

"Yeah, it's not funny," Bri said trying her best to not laugh too.

"I know it's not, babe. Do you need me to get you anything? I can stop by the store on my way over?" I said in a more serious tone.

"No I'm fine for now, but thank you," she said and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Okay, we'll I should be there in about a half an hour so hang tight," I said before saying goodbye and hanging up.

I decided that neither of us would want to cook and she would want food, so I ordered take-out from a nearby Chinese restaurant.

The wait was 20 minutes, so I decided to go out to a CVS down the road from the restaurant.

I grabbed my keys off the counter along with my wallet and phone and headed out to my car. I started the car and drove down the road for a few minutes until I got to the pharmacy.

I picked up some candy and chocolates, which were quite expensive due to the fact that it was Valentines's day. I paid for the items quickly and went back out to my car. I drove out of the parking lot and went right down the street to the restaurant i had ordered from. While running over to the building, I locked my car before opening the door to enter the little restaurant.

"Order for Styles," I said to the man standing behind the counter.

"That will be $35, please," he said before grabbing the bag of food.

He handed me the bag and I handed him $40 and told him to keep the change. I walked outside again making sure not to drop the bag. The door unlocked when I went near it an I climbed into the car. While putting the hot bag of food on the passenger seat i turned the car back on. I knew it was going to take almost 10 minutes to get to her house from here, so I put the radio on for a little background noise.

I pulled into her driveway soon after and grabbed the bags before walking up to the house where my gorgeous girlfriend was in. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

I stood there awkwardly waiting for the door to open, but there was nothing. I knocked again and again but there was still nothing. Maybe she went out? Or maybe she fell asleep?

I had to call and find out since we had made plans for me to come here and she told me she didn't want to leave the house. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed her number. The phone rang a few times and then went to voicemail. Weird. She usually answers my calls.

Now thinking she had fallen asleep, I turned the door handle which was unlocked and walked in the house.

"Bri!" I called out.

"I'm here! Where are you?" I yelled through the house.

No answer.

"Bri?" I said in a more quiet voice.

I walked through the entire first floor of the house, placing the bag of food on the counter while in the kitchen. Everything seemed fine, except the fact that Bri was missing. Walking towards the stairs, I immediately knew where he was, where she always is. I went up the stairs and found her in her bed, asleep.

She must be really out cause she usually would wake up when she heard me knock on the door. I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Bri, wake up," I said gently shaking her.

She didn't budge.

"Bri," I said again.

I leaned over and to look at her and her face was pale and I meant pale. Her skin tone in light, but this wasn't her normal skin tone. She wasn't asleep.

"Bri wake up!" I said now yelling.

I kept shaking her and there was still nothing.

"Please, you have to wake up!" I was now pleading.

I calmed myself down a little and did the only thing I could think of. I reached into my pocket and dialed 911. I explained the situation as calm as I could but I was shaking and basically having a nervous breakdown. They told me to stay there with her and have the door unlocked so that they could get in. I did as they said and heard the door open a few minutes later.

"Bri, Harry, I'm home!" she yelled through the house.

"Bri! Come here!" I yelled desperately.

"What? What's wrong?" she asked in a worried tone.

"I found Bri like this and I called an ambulance cause she won't wake up. I'm so scared. Is she usually like this?" I spit out so fast.

The door opened and we heard the EMT's running up the stairs. They entered the room and quickly got her on a stretcher. It was a scary scene. There were people saying things I had never heard of, people moving her, strapping her onto the stretcher. Ciara and I were clinging to each other as we watched them basically take her body.

"Would one of you like to ride in the ambulance? Only one though," one of the EMT's said to us.

"You can go with her, I'll drive," I said to Ciara.

"Thank you, be careful please," she said before taking off down the stairs with the entire crew. I followed behind them, grabbing my keys and locking the door before watching the ambulance take off down the road and getting into my car. I sat there for a minute with my head in my hands. I didn't think I could move, but I had to.

What just happened?


Alright, so I know I never do this, but please share this with your friends and stuff. I want to try to get this book out there. I also want to add a few more characters, so if you want to request a character to be in this book, inbox me. I'll be making up to 5 new characters!

Thanks for reading!

xx -C

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