Chapter 16 - Dreamer

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Bri's POV

I stared feeling dizzy. This usually happens, so I always go up to my room and take a quick nap and I feel better.

Harry was supposed to be on his way over, but he will wake me up when he gets here. It's only a quick nap.

I walked up to my room and peeled the sheets back. I fell asleep almost immediately after climbing into my warm bed.

I had such an extravagant, outrageous dream.

It was me and Harry in an unfamiliar place. It was warm, warmer than I was used to. I looked out the window and saw the sun setting over the ocean. We seemed to be at some sort of beach house.

I watched as the gentle waves crashed onto the shore again and again. There was no one else on the beach, but there seemed to be a bunch of big mansions spread out along the coast.

There was a knock on the door, which made me jump.

"That must be Autumn. I'll go get it," he said happily before getting up.

I stood up and walked around. I found a piano in the next room and sat down on the stool. I heard the door open, but was more curious about where I was rather than who was at the door.

I walked out the back door onto the huge deck. There was a path leading down to the beach, so I walked started making my way down the path.

The light breeze was calming as I walked up to the water and stuck my feet in. It was the perfect temperature, warm, but just right. I walked back a few feet and sat down on the sand, playing with it and digging my feet into it.

Everything seemed so relaxed and peaceful. I laid down and shut my eyes, running my fingers through the warm sand.

"Bri! Come here!" I heard Harry yell from the house.

I opened my eyes, standing up to walk back to the house. I didn't want to go back. I liked sitting on the beach, bit I could just come back after a minute.

Slowly, I walked toward the house. The wind almost seemed as it was pulling me back. It was as if it didn't want me to leave.

The path seemed to be getting longer and the house looked like it was moving away from me. But it wasn't. I was getting closer.

I felt the sand disappear beneath my feet and was replaced by a wooden walkway that lead to the deck. The door approached more quickly than I thought. It was a big, long deck, but it was as if the deck shrunk while I was on the beach.

The screen door was left open, but I closed it after I walked in the house.

"Bri, up here," I heard Harry say from a different room.

I followed his voice to the stairs, slowly walking up them. There were murals on the wall and different quotes on each step.

"Don't let the dream carry you away from reality," I read off of one of them.

I don't think I actually read it. I heard it. It was right in my ear, over my right shoulder.

"We only dream because we aren't satisfied with the life we're living," I read another.

That one wasn't read either. I heard it over my left shoulder this time.

It was creeping me out. Every step I took as I climbed up the stairs, another quote was read from a different direction.

I almost felt dizzy as I reached the top of the stairs. The voices had stopped, but it didn't stop the creepy feeling sending shivers through my body.

"Over here, babe," I heard Harry say from a room down the hall.

I approached the room and opened the door. The room was light green with a double-door leading to a balcony with drapes flowing in the breeze. I looked over to my left and saw Harry.

"Bri, this is Autumn," he said.

I looked at her, but couldn't see her face. Her presence was clearly there, but her face wasn't there. She had a close to perfect body, curves all in the right places, everything proportional, but the only thing was that she didn't have a face. This bothered me more than it really should have and I couldn't stop staring at the skin located where her face would be. It creeped me out too, how could she see where she's going or even breathe?

There were so many questions running through my mind. My surroundings started to get less relaxing. The walls turned grey along with the sky that was just gorgeous shades of pink, orange, and yellow seconds ago. Thunder crashed and I started hearing a baby crying. Where did the baby come from? Since when was this room a nursery?

"Aren't you going to go get the thing?" Harry rudely spit at me.

"What?" I asked extremely confused.

"You heard me, go get the kid," he spat at me again.

I walked over to the crib that hadn't been there when I first walked into the room. There was the crying baby, which looked to be only a month old. Is this my kid?

"Well are you just going to let the thing cry or what?" Harry said to me.

"I don't know," I said faintly.

"Well I'm going out with Autumn, have fun taking cars of that thing," he said before walking out of the room.

I heard the front door slam shut and a car start most likely in the driveway. Realizing that I was staring off, I picked up the baby and cradled it in my arms. I still didn't know who's baby it was, if it was a boy or girl, what it's name was, anything. And why did Harry just leave me? Wait, is he with Autumn? I started feeling dizzy, so I went and sat down on the couch with the baby still in my arms. The storm seems to be getting worse and I had no clue what I was doing. I just sat there for a few minutes, doing my best to calm the baby down.

"Harry!" I screamed out.

"Harry, please!" I screamed once again.

I felt my pocket and found what was probably my cell phone so I found Harry's number and dialed it.

"Hello?" someone said from the other end.

"This is Sheriff Cardinal. I believe this is the phone of Harry Styles?" he asked.

"Yes, it is, but where's Harry?" I asked.

"He's just been in a car accident. I'm afraid to inform you that he has suffered a major blood loss and a major head injury. He was pronounced dead a minute ago after the paramedics got him out of the car," he said in such a calm voice it angered me.

"What? No, he can't be dead. He was just here 10 minutes ago," I said full of sadness and anger.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but I have to go and clean up the crash," Sheriff Cardinal said before hanging up.

I walked back over to the bed and put the now sleeping baby back in the crib. I didn't know what to do next. All I could do was curl up in a ball and cry.

"Harry! Why did you do this to me? I needed you!" I screamed out of anger.

I kept crying and I just couldn't stop. I believe I fell asleep like this after what felt like hours of crying. In the morning, I was woken up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Harry standing over me.

"What is going on?" I asked.

That was the last I could remember. I don't think I had ever had a dream so calm and then intense and confusing. But what happened after the dream was a different story.

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