Chapter 10 - Christmas: Part 1

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Bri's POV

I sat in my office at work, typing on the computer. I was finishing up my last email for the day.

My co-workers were already leaving their offices and locking up their drawers. It was the last day of work for the holidays. We were having a nice 12 day long vacation.

As I sent the email, my phone rang. We don't usually get many calls at this time, usually people from the east coast. I figured it was someone from the east coast and picked up the phone, trying to hide that annoyance I had.

"Hello, this is Bri. How can I help you?" I said in a happy voice.

"Yes, I was wondering if your refrigerator was running?" I heard Harry's voice from the other line.

"Haha, very funny."

"I know I am. So what are you doing?" He asked me.

"Just getting ready to leave. I still haven't finished packing and we're leaving tonight," I said, starting to worry that my stuff wasn't going to be ready.

"Well since you gave your car to Tyler for the week, I told Ciara that I'm picking you up. I'm waiting outside right now."

"Thank you. I'll be outside in a few minutes. Bye," I said hanging up the phone.

I locked up my drawers and grabbed my bag from under my desk, then started making my way out of the building. I immediately saw Harry's car sitting in front of the building. A smile appeared on my face and I got into the car.

"Hey babe! How was work?" Harry said happily as I got in the car.

"Hi. It was good. I'm so glad I have a vacation."

"You must be. But I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you too," I said, now becoming sad.

Harry and I had been dating for just more than 4 months. He's such a great boyfriend, but I didn't want to leave him. We hadn't really left each other and been so far away.

I was going back home with Ciara and Harry was going back home to London. I already was upset today, but remembering that I had to leave him for the first time made me really upset.

"It's alright. We'll see each other after Christmas," he said as he started to drive off.

"Yeah, but we won't see each other for 5 days," I said getting even more upset.

I really wanted to see my family, but I've been hanging out with Harry for the last 5 months and I don't want to leave.

We drove home listening to Christmas music to cheer me up, but it didn't do such a great job. Harry dropped me off and then drove home.

I walked into the house to the sound of more light Christmas music playing.

"Ciara, I'm home!" I called out.

I climbed the stairs to find Ciara in her room packing with my kitten, Alfie watching her. Laughing, I walked into my room and started packing my stuff into a suitcase.

I packed 6 shirts, 6 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of shoes, and whatever else I would need. I had already called my mom and told her that I was bringing Alfie home with me and to get his car food so I didn't have to bring any with me. I packed a few toys for him in my suitcase and then brought it downstairs.

It was about 6 in the afternoon and our plane was at 8:30. We wanted to leave the house around 7 so we wouldn't miss our flight.

I went back upstairs and into Ciara's room.

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