Tour-BSM-Michael and Luke

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//Honestly did not think I would get reads this quickly. Thank you!//

Luke: When Luke went on tour, it really hit you hard. Considering you were closed with Luke out of your brothers. Sometimes it got so bad that you would not leave your room for hours at a time. Luke was the same. Finding it just as hard to leave you. Of course he missed his family as well. He just missed you more. Skype calls and phone calls weren't the same. Even though you're hearing his voice and seeing his face it's not the same as seeing him in person. You're mum always dreads when he goes away cause she knows what you're like so she always plans a surprise visit for you each time. And both of you couldn't be more happier after spending so many months apart. 

Michael: When Michael went on tour, he usually took you, despite your mother's protest. He luckily always went on tour during your 2 week holiday between school terms so you usually spend the 2 weeks with him. "Michael!" "What?!" he replied with an innocent look on his face. "What did you do?" "What do you mean 'what did I do'?" He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. You see, being on tour with Michael was fun, but not when he does his pranks. You groan with frustration "Mum is going to kill you, you know that right?" you tell him, crossing your arms. "Shit, um yeah I didn't think about that" "Yeah I don't think mum will appreciate me coming home with blue hair". Despite the shenanigans that go on while on tour, you wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else other than Michael.

//Hey, Hi how are you? That's good yeah I'm good too. So I'm home alone and bored. Leave some suggestions of what BSM or DDM you would like to see//

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